People Are Going To Make Money Writing Creative ChatGPT Prompts

Did you know ChatGPT writes like a man and the writing improves if you ask it to write like a woman?

Linda Caroll
Inspired Writer


Oh my gosh, sweet easy cash. lol. Photo from pexels

A lot of writers are worried ChatGPT is going to eat their jobs.

It’s a justifiable concern.

Henry Williams, a freelance writer from London, said he tried out ChatGPT for fun. He said the fun turned to horror pretty fast when he asked it to write the kind of content he gets paid to write.

He said it took ChatGPT about 30 seconds to create, for free, an article he would have charged £500 for. That’s when he got scared for his job.

Back in January, Verge reported that CNET had already produced over 70 seo optimized articles using ChatGPT and reports of Buzzfeed using AI to generate content followed not long after.

A lot of writers probably need to worry.

Can I show you something?

I asked ChatGPT to write me a 500 word article on self publishing. See?

screencap by author

