
Resources for Submitting Writing

The Top Websites You Need to Bookmark as a New Writer

Holly Lyn Walrath
Inspired Writer
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2021


Image Courtesy Pixabay

With over ten years experience writing and submitting my work, it’s become clear to me that online resources are super important to writing. Whether you want to track your submissions, find new markets to submit to, or just figure out what agents are looking for, these website are key to your writing career.

Here are some of my favorite websites for writers:

The Submission Grinder — http://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/

A free submissions tracking website with powerful charts and submissions tracking tools, including searching by genre, word count, and more. Allows you to track how long your submission has been out and how long a venue usually takes to get back to you. Gives average rejection times. Offers a monthly submission email newsletter. A great tool for writers, but only tracks fiction, not poetry.

Duotrope — https://duotrope.com/

A powerful tool for tracking submissions. Costs $5 a month. Provides much of the same abilities as the Submission Grinder, except you can track poetry. Also has lists of “fastest turnaround” journals and a…



Holly Lyn Walrath
Inspired Writer

I'm a writer, editor, publisher, and poet. I write about writing. Find me online at www.hlwalrath.com or on Twitter @HollyLynWalrath!