Riding My First Loop Roller Coaster as an Adult

It’s never too late to overcome an old fear

Alison Schaffir
Inspired Writer


Photo by Matt Bowden on Unsplash

“Today’s the day,” I said with conviction. “I’m finally going to do it.”

The fear grew in my chest. While I may have sounded confident, I wasn’t so convinced by my own words.

I was on vacation in Orlando, Florida visiting Disney World for the first time in years. I had been to the beloved theme park before as a child but never as a fully-grown adult.

As my friends and I continued to walk, we came to the entrance of the familiar-looking ride: the enclosed, launched loop rollercoaster that I had been too scared to ride in my youth.

The memories came flooding back. I remembered my mom and dad bending down to my level in an attempt to coax me on, encouraging me to be brave.

“You can do it, sweetie. It’s just a ride,” they said. “It will be fun.”

At the time, I had crossed my arms and shaken my head stubbornly. There was no way they could convince me.

“One day when I’m older, I’ll ride it,” I reasoned.

They had let the conversation slide, and we continued exploring the park that day. I recall the temporary sense of relief I had felt — knowing I was back to safety, back to familiarity, back to…



Alison Schaffir
Inspired Writer

Young Adult Author of YOUR DREAM FOR ME (March 2023) | Rep’d by Birch Literary | NYC-Based Social Media Strategist | Twitter: @ASchaffir