With Time Running Out

On the court or in daily life, our choices always shape our destinies

Darren Richardson
Inspired Writer


Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

With time running out, Sonny Gunnerson had a choice to make: Dish to a hot-handed Hank Hamlin for the short jumper to tie or take the three for the win.

Son the Gun did what came naturally: He shot. It swished. He jumped for joy and pumped a fist. The Hookah Hoopsters had won in dramatic fashion and would be playing the Rock Solids, the only undefeated team left in B League, Friday afternoon in the title game.

At the party — the Hookah Hoopsters and their groupies always partied after intramural games — Gunnerson talked incessantly about how he had been “feeling it” before launching the trey. Even though he was only 4-for-14 at that point, and Hamlin had hit three straight shots, Gunnerson just knew he couldn’t miss.

“No disrespect to Hambone,” Gunnerson gushed, “but there was no way I was gonna do anything but take that shot. Man, I could feel it!”

Hambone Hamlin, unofficial team captain, laughed and hoisted a Heineken. “To Son the Gun, playin’ hard and havin’ fun!”

Everyone laughed and whooped and basked like battle-tested champions in the hard-won glory. They drank more beer and smoked more weed. About an hour after Hamlin toasted Gunnerson, the shortest guy on…



Darren Richardson
Inspired Writer

Headline writer & copy editor for 15-plus years in newspapers (1990–2006) ; digital professional since 2008. Twitter: https://twitter.com/darren_medium