The Benefits of Keeping a Dream Journal

How to increase creativity and self-awareness through an unconscious lens

Lady Jade
Inspired Writer


As a writer, I look for inspiration everywhere. Whether that be through conversations I hear on the street or from subplots of the book I’m reading — if it interests me, I write it down.

The best sorts of inspiration are always the weirdest. Have you ever had a wacky dream and thought, “Wow, did I seriously come up with that myself?”. Our minds are miraculous little machines — and dreams are weird. The fact that psychologists are still solving the mysteries of dreams demonstrates their unpredictable nature — and mystery is captivating.

When we do remember our dreams, it’s worthwhile to write them down. Whether they are full of exciting novel plots or manifestations of your daily anxieties, keeping track of your dreams in a nifty little journal can reveal thoughts, ideas, and emotions our unconscious minds hide from our awareness.

1. The Undisclosed Unconscious

You’re probably hiding something unknowingly. Not just from your friends or family — but from yourself. Emotions are tricky business and us humans like to push away the bad ones. However, you can’t hide them forever and your unconscious mind finds a way to expose your stress…



Lady Jade
Inspired Writer

A lover of avocados, photography, music, and animals — I love writing vivid narratives that engage with your senses. I also like to write about my brain :)