Toxic Friendships Are A Thing

Toxicity applies to more than romantic relationships. Sometimes, you find yourself friends with someone who takes every ounce of life from you and that’s not okay.

Rachael Wood
Inspired Writer


Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Finding friends in early adulthood is hard.

There are so many individuals at different stages in their lives, it becomes difficult to find someone who shares a common interest or traveling at the same pace in life as you. Thus, I found myself getting desperate.

I was so desperate, in fact, that when I came in contact with someone who shared even just one thing in common with me, I clung onto her and I basically forced a friendship. I would text back and forth about random things, continue conversations I hardly had interested in, and went to places and events I didn’t feeling like attending.

Being welcomed by someone — anyone — was intoxicating.

As someone who is deathly afraid of loneliness and resentment, I found myself accepting it. If someone liked me enough to hang out with me, I figured I must be doing something right and didn’t want to risk losing it.

I’d only had two friends in high school. So, understanding what quality friendship meant was still very a foreign concept to me.



Rachael Wood
Inspired Writer

Musician by day, writer by night. Still trying to figure out this thing we call life.