What Happened When I Finally Quit Making Excuses

Eliminating a toxic behavior can be the most powerful action you can do in 2021

Jordan Mendiola
Inspired Writer


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

As my seasonal depression hit this winter, my motivation dropped like a rock. It wasn’t fair. I thought to myself, why am I not killing it like I used to?

Instead of overworking, I was under-working and playing way more video games than I used to. This is perfect for a workaholic becoming an escape artist.

We know when we should be getting work or tasks done, but we don’t always follow through with them. It’s very easy to be unhappy with where you’re at and shift gears towards something else.

I was so jealous of seeing my peers who began blogging at the same time as I thrive and make thousands of dollars, while I barely treaded above $60 bucks.

I reached a point where I would finally stop making excuses and just get back to the basics — putting in the work and shutting my mouth. Instead of telling everyone what I was going to do, I just went ahead and did it.

I Felt an Incredible Surge of Motivation

Excuses are dreadful. They’re unmotivating and give an individual leeway to take their foot off the pedal. I’m someone who’s typically writing three…



Jordan Mendiola
Inspired Writer

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!