Everything You Need To Know About Starting Or Growing On Substack: A Tutorial

Everything you need to know about Substack before you start, or to finally get some traction if you are struggling there

Linda Caroll
Inspired Writer


photo from pexels

Every month, over 8000 people Google the phrase “what is substack.”

Let me tell you what it is.

It’s another place a lot of writers are going to struggle because they dived in before they knew what they needed to know. Oops.

Sorry. Truth. I see it every day.

Honestly? I did it, too. I wish I was kidding.

If I could go back to before I started my Substack — knowing what I know now — I’d do a lot differently.

But seriously? Substack is a writing platform that allows writers to build an audience, share their writing and even earn recurring income if they turn on payments. Problem is, too many people dive in without knowing what they needed to know. Then they struggle.

Here’s what I wish I’d knew before I started Substack...

“I did then what I knew how to do.
Now that I know better, I do better.”
— Maya Angelou

1. What is Substack…

