What I’ve Learned from Getting 3 Million Views on a Facebook Post in 36 Hours

Three lessons from three million views in 36 hours

Joe Duncan
Inspired Writer


Image by rawpixel.com

Do you know that feeling of excitement, that rush of adrenaline you get when your post first starts gaining some traction? Honestly, it’s addictive. The rush of viral success is akin to the feeling of winning the jackpot on the casino slots in Vegas. I had one of those posts recently. I was astonished when it crossed into the millions of views in an extremely short period of time.

Within 22 hours, I’d crossed the 2 million views threshold. I went to sleep overjoyed and woke up the following day to find I’d crossed the 3 million view mark. My page’s total views shot up a few days after that to 7,355,956, while that post itself had over 4,000,000 views. That’s a lot of traffic.

And the best part? I spent exactly zero dollars in doing so. Instead, I took the long road…and it paid off. It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer or a CEO with a brand that needs a strong online presence, the contents of this story should help you all the same, just like it did for me.



Joe Duncan
Inspired Writer

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: Medium.com/Sexography | The Science of Sex: http://thescienceofsex.substack.com