When It Comes to Writing Advice, Here’s How to Tell Who’s Really Worth Listening To

Who to listen to when you’re after proper advice

George J. Ziogas
Inspired Writer


Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava from Pexels

Over the last decade, the internet has transformed. It’s grown into a living and breathing platform. That platform has been used for a wide range of different industries and approaches. One of the biggest things that’s emerged is professional self-help pursuits.

You can find business advice from a CEO in a Tweet, you can get writing tips from a podcast, you can seek long-form advice from popular blogging platforms, or even high-level celebrities blogging on the side. It’s quite something, isn’t it? Even the celebrities who once seemed so unattainable are within touching distance, engaging with their followers, offering advice and guidance.

Speaking of advice, it seems like suddenly, everyone’s an expert. For writers, everyone’s a writing expert. How on earth do you know who to listen to when you’re after proper advice to advance your writing career or improve your craft?

It’s a tough one because there are a lot of pretenders. These days, literally anyone can write a book and self-publish an eBook. Some don’t even go to those lengths to identify as a writer trying to punt professional advice.



George J. Ziogas
Inspired Writer

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com