When You Start Out, Write With a Partner

A good writing partner makes you more than the sum of your parts.

Rebecca Sealfon
Inspired Writer


Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Especially at the beginning, the writing life is lonely. Freelancers can feel they are dropping their writing into a vacuum. Having been serious about writing for only a short time, they haven’t made connections with editors and pegged themselves in a professional niche.

They submit, submit, submit–and if they’re lucky, they get rejected, rejected, rejected. That is, they get a rejection if an editor thinks their writing is close enough to bother to write back and share their contact info for future submissions.

Don’t be so isolated

If you’re lucky enough to find a writing partner, it’s not quite so lonely.

A writing partner can give you accountability. Suddenly, there is someone who cares about seeing your work.

A writing partner can also give you feedback on your work before it is submitted. Perhaps you can even co-write pieces together. An ideal writing partner has complementary expertise and networks to yours and can open doors for you.

My story

One writing partner I enjoy working with is Emanuel Shahaf. We met on Quora.com, bonding over the issue of Israel-Palestine…



Rebecca Sealfon
Inspired Writer

Former software engineer at Google, U.S. National Spelling Bee champion, and synesthete, based in New York, NY. Loves books, liberal Judaism, and nature.