Why Is There Such a Fascination with Lists on Medium?

Orm Vs…Lists

Craig Ormsby
Inspired Writer
3 min readMay 25, 2020


Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters @ unsplash.com

If you’re reading this you’re either a big advocate of listed blog pieces and want to know why I have such an issue.

Or alternatively, like me, you are looking for something different to read with your morning coffee.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to sound the death knoll of lists — far from it — I can think of numerous times I need a list. Perhaps for my next blog, I’ll write a list of times when you need a list.

For instance, shopping lists are a necessity for my wife. Whereas, being a free shopper, I have many failed family meals on my shopping resume. Spontaneity is not the way to go!

I’m a huge fan of to-do lists, and they are/were part of my daily work routine, most important task at the top (usually coffee) then item by item and then at the end of the day carry across anything not done to the top of tomorrow’s list… perfect.

Now I’m sure you’re thinking, so I’m reading a loose list in a blog which claims to be things you don’t like about lists… bare with me, I’ll elaborate.

I’m aware that there is a penchant for these types of blogs and a quick scroll through Medium and social media sites gives you an immediate reason why this is. They’re popular and likely to get read. And after all, that's why we are all here.

Some people love a list, it’s an easy to read format to get information across. If I’d bullet pointed all the above I’m sure it would get my point across without the inane ramblings, but where’s the fun in that?

That brings me quite succinctly to my next point on lists.

Where’s the emotion? Lists aren’t romantic, rarely humorous, and they don’t capture the imagination. Sure they’re factual but I want to be whisked away.

Image by Andre Hunter @ unsplash.com

A short poem on the empty street of NYC took me back to my memories of fighting through the crowds on Times Square, and how strange it must be now to be in this vacuous metropolis. No lists do that.

Another story showed me how words on a page can be so eloquently written and strike with such powerful emotion. I found myself in agreement with the author and had pangs of jealousy that it was not me who came up with such beautiful imagery and prose in my work.

If you’re a list person look away now. I’ve saved a lot of my vitriolic umbrage for the latter stages, I’m guessing if you’ve read this far, you’re more than likely to not be a list person, follow me!

If you’re reading a blog about a list which is titled, 10 Signs You’re Partner Is Looking For Love Elsewhere, chances are reading lists isn’t anywhere on the list, but it should be.

Or the snappily titled, 5 Ways To Increase Your Daily Output, 100% guaranteed there is not one mention of making sure you read a list!

Whisper it quietly — I’ve even found myself reading, quite recently, 10 Easy Ways To Get Your Work Read On Medium. At no point was berating listed blogs a suggested action… Hell, it would be crazy if there was.

Now I know there are stories with lists out there that are very useful, there is definitely a place for lists. My serious gripe is that the popularity of these pieces seems to be at the detriment of other bodies of work, and that would be such a shame.

Well you’ve managed to stay with me until the end, in this most cathartic of pieces.

Now where did I put my 5 Reasons No One’s Reading Your Blog draft?



Craig Ormsby
Inspired Writer

New to the Blogging world… a few insights into my world and what makes me tick!