Self Editing Makes You a Better Writer

3 quick tricks to catch your mistakes before your readers do


Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Finding typos and grammar errors in your articles after they are published is maddening.

Let’s be honest: No writer sets out to write a piece with glaring mistakes.

Every writer wants to inform, educate, or enlighten hordes of readers with their words. The last thing a writer wants is to overlook a typo or a misspelled word. Nothing says “novice” like a published piece with a conspicuous error that makes readers stop and scratch their heads.

Lack of proper proofreading in published pieces is a problem on Medium. There, I said it.

Typos and grammar missteps in published articles are distracting. They stand out like a chunk of spinach that taints a supermodel’s dazzling smile.

Most Medium readers admit they won’t tolerate a minefield of mistakes and will click away from a story that’s littered with too many of them.

On a platform where Reads and Read Ratio literally equal currency, reader “click-aways” are the last thing a writer wants. We want eyeballs on our work for as long…

