Why You Should Start a Newsletter to Build Your Writing Platform

It’s all about little steps (and little wins!) that build your platform and community as a writer.

Addey Vaters
Inspired Writer


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I’ve been writing and building my online writing platform for about eight years now. I started with writing sporadic blogs on my website, and then moved to writing for various online platforms and literary journals. It’s been a prime example of “slow and steady wins the race,” but I’m committed to my writing platform because I enjoy virtually every bit of building it!

One thing I put off for a long time, though, is starting my newsletter.

At first, I didn’t see the point of putting in the work to start. I didn’t have a large following at the time — I still only have a modest (but amazing!) following — so I didn’t see the point in essentially writing into the void. Who would join my email list? And, more importantly, why would they join my newsletter list? What would I write about? And how would I make sure that what I wrote was actually worth reading and sending out?

So I didn’t start a newsletter.

At least, not when I first heard another author or blogger mention it. I tucked away that bit of information into the back of my mind and went on my merry…



Addey Vaters
Inspired Writer

Writer, reader, cat lover, and tea drinker. Romance novelist in progress. Words in Adroit Journal, Vita Brevis, & others. AddeyVaters.com