Writers, Don’t Be Afraid of Contradicting Yourself

Actually, contradicting yourself can be a good thing

Neeramitra Reddy
Inspired Writer
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2021


Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava from Pexels

Yesterday, a new reader that happened to like my articles enough to binge them pointed out something interesting — a really old article’s advice being diametrically opposite to a recent one.

Piqued, I dove through my posts and found more such instances of self-contradiction. After a brief pang of feeling like a hypocrite followed by some reflection, I realized there was nothing wrong with it.

Infact, I actually felt happy that I had contradicted myself.

The reason is simple — We are humans first and writers second. And humans change.

We Are Guinea Pigs

The way I see it — I’m a guinea pig in the grand experiment we call life. And whatever I share with my readers is data gleaned from this “experiment”.

Be it almost killing myself losing fat or going through rock-bottom self-esteem to start improving myself, the harsh “experiments” yielded harsher insights. And those are the exact lessons I want my readers to learn the easy way.

We’re all guinea pigs — even if you aren’t a self-improvement writer, as long as your articles contain even the…



Neeramitra Reddy
Inspired Writer

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