Yes, ChatGPT Can Hurt Writers, But Not The Way You Think

7 things most writers don’t know about ChatGPT and AI (including image creation) but probably should.

Linda Caroll
Inspired Writer


photo from pexels

Ever since ChatGPT, everyone seems to have an opinion.

Some love it. Others hate it.

Some think AI will never be as good as a human writer.

No soul, they say.

Musician Nick Cave called ChatGPT “replication as travesty.” Some fan used AI to create a song in Cave’s “style” and he replied to say with all the love and respect in the world, this song is bullshit.”

Some writers fear AI will kill the need for writers. Omg, omg, they say, Buzzfeed and Associated Press are already using AI to create content.

Other people aren’t worried. They say meh, chill. Use it as a tool.

The problem with “opinions” is that they come in 2 flavors.

Informed and uninformed.

A lot of people writing about AI don’t even know how it works.

Gosh and golly, AI is magic. You type in a prompt and it answers. It’s pretty good and sounds human. Hell, it sounds better than some of the crap some people call writing. We’ve all seen some real bad writing, haven’t we?

