You’re Not A Machine. Stop Acting Like One.

Stop taking orders and start making decisions.

Vishal Kataria
Inspired Writer


Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

2020 has been hard.

Millions lost their jobs for no fault of their own. And they’re struggling to find another one.

Even the people who’ve kept their jobs don’t know when they’ll get thrown under the bus.

LinkedIn is flooded with status updates like:

“It’s sad that employers don’t appreciate my stable career with 13 years of experience…”

“Don’t ignore this post. Like, comment, and share it so someone in your network will see it and give me a job…”

“I’ve completed the AI/ML training program and received my certification…”

It pains me to read them. Here’s why.

By posting such status updates, employees convey to employers, “These are my credentials. Decide where I fit in your company. I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

When you ask employers to tell you what to do, you inadvertently compete against machines. And machines are better than you at doing what they’re told. They can do it faster and more efficiently, and they don’t need a pay hike.

Can you win against a machine?



Vishal Kataria
Inspired Writer

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.