Aishling Hyland
Inspirefest HQ
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2015


#MondayMotivation — Next Generation Sci-Tech Innovators

Need some #MondayMotivation? Well, here it is! We take a look back at the Next Generation panel from Inspirefest 2015. Inspirefest gave centre stage to four remarkable young pioneers of the sci-tech industry.

Lauren Boyle

10-year-old Lauren Boyle from Dublin Ireland spoke about her journey so far and, at such a young age, it has been some journey. Lauren began her trailblazing love of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts & math) at CoderDojo, an organisation that shows kids how to code and create. Lauren was only eight-years-old when she attended her first CoderDojo class and she has since gone on to code several website and apps. Last year, she was named EU Digital Girl of the Year 2014 and, on stage at Inspirefest, she launched her brand new website and app Cool STEAM Kids, which encourages kids aged 10 to 15 to develop an interest in STEAM. Last year, Lauren even thought the Irish Prime Minister (An Taoiseach) Enda Kenny how to code for the launch of Hour of Code. We are pretty confident that Lauren has a bright future ahead of her.

Lauren Boyle, 10-year-old coder, launches Cool STEAM Kids at Inspirefest

Émer Hickey & Ciara Judge

17-year-old Émer Hickey took centre stage at Inspirefest to launch Germinaid Innovations, an agricultural solutions company. Her partner-in-crime and co-founder Ciara Judge addressed the crowd remotely as she was in MIT taking part in a business programme. Their company stems from a research project that Émer, Ciara and Sophie Healy-Thow worked on for three years, which looked at germinating seeds. Their research resulted in an increase of up to 74pc in crop productivity that could improve the world’s food shortage crisis. Émer, Ciara and Sophie won the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in 2013, and were also awarded a top prize in the 2014 Google Science Fair.

Émer Hickey launches Germinaid Innovations at Inspirefest 2015

Anne-Marie Imafidon

The 25-year-old founder of Stemettes, Anne-Marie Imafidon is something of a child prodigy, having completed her GCSEs in computing and maths at the age of 11, years later she still holds the title as the youngest person to receive these qualifications.

At Inspirefest, Anne-Marie spoke about Outbox Incubator, a newly-launched incubator for young women interested in STEM, run by Stemettes. Last summer, 118 young women from across the EU aged between 11 and 22 were selected to stay in a house in London for the summer, where they learned about business development, communication and the legal nuts and bolts of innovation, as well as getting time to get to know each other with the potential of working together on future projects.

Thanks to Think Visual for the wonderful graphics harvested from The Next Generation panel. You can follow their work on Twitter, @wethinkvisual.

Next generation sows the seeds of greatness at Inspirefest 2015

Outbox Incubator’s co-founder and social entrepreneur Mary Carty will be speaking at Inspirefest 2016, along with Niamh Scanlon who has just been named EU Digital Girl of the Year 2015 — and several other inspirational young people who took part in Outbox Incubator 2015. You can check out their impressive speaker profiles here.

Inspirefest returns to Dublin from 30 June to 2 July 2016, with a new and exciting Next Generation panel planned. Keep an eye on this page for some behind-the-scenes insights into Inspirefest and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Google

Visit our website to buy tickets while the Super Early Bird offer lasts. Super Early Bird offer ends December 31!

