How to Be Productive Without Being a Jerk

Efficiency with people is ineffective.

Chris Craft


A man drinking coffee while smoking a cigarette
Photo by Şahin Yeşilyaprak on Unsplash

Our 7-year-old daughter called her older sister a jerk the other day. It wasn’t the nicest thing to say, but the label was accurate at the time and the moment was actually kinda’ funny (I laughed on the inside because I don’t want to encourage our children to say mean things to each other lol).

I’ve been writing a lot of content for various publications, projects, and clients lately. If you’re a writer, then you understand that writing takes a lot of focus. I’ve also had more virtual meetings with my team, clients, and prospects these days. With three children at home, distractions can come quickly and often. Once in a while, I have to gently pry our 5-year-old son from my arm when I’m trying to write or participate in a Zoom meeting.

All of this got me thinking, “Have I been a productive jerk?”

The honest answer is “Yes, sometimes.” But for the most part, I think I’ve been good at giving the people in my life their needed attention while remaining productive. Our family is full of creative people and I want to be a good example of how to be creative, productive, attentive, and loving.

Allow me to share my tips on how to be productive without being a jerk.

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Chris Craft

Husband, father, writer, and musician. I enjoy producing music for BeatCurve and writing words. Founder of Nao Media and