The Benefits of Publishing on Substack

Substack Writing
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2020


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Source: Substack Writing

What is Substack?

Substack is a subscription email newsletter platform designed for small publishers, who want to option to charge readers for access to certain content in their newsletter.

There are numerous benefits to publishing on Substack, as opposed to your own self-hosted blog or another digital publishing platform.

What Are the Benefits of Publishing on Substack?

Free Platform

When writers create an account on Substack, they gain access to several custom publishing tools, all of which are free.

Writers get a content management system (CMS) built for publishing email newsletters, integrated payments through Stripe, and a website that can host free and subscriber-only content.

It is very hard to find all of these tools in a single publishing platform. Substack seamlessly connects these features into one integrated platform, and offers it to writers 100% for free.

Connect Directly with Readers

One of the main limitations of most free blogging platforms is that they serve as a middleman between you and your readers. For example, on Medium, you may have thousands of followers, but Medium provides…

