Breath Again

Inthentic Inc
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2017

Today is the day I can feel freedom again.

For the last six months, my team and I have worked so hard to prove ourselves to a very big client. We did almost everything they said, for every detail they wanted, to meet every standard they set.

Yesterday, I decided to pull off. Not because we technically failed to create a system that they wanted but because we thought their expectation was very unrealistic. They just wanted everything to work from Day 1. And that Day 1 is now — during the proof of concept phase.

We have created a working prototype for them. We showed them it could potentially become better and better once we continued to develop it in a real project. They just didn’t accept that. Unless we got it completely right today, they wouldn’t proceed any step further.

After trying to convince them many times, we were done fighting. This is a unbeatable war for a small company like us. It’s time to move on and do something else.

Even though we were sad but it was a very fun journey. We had a chance to work with many great people. We learned a lot in technologies and businesses. We understood more about how to work with big clients (which is we should never work for any of them :-)).

I personally got a lot from this lesson. I looked back and saw what mistakes I made (being reactive, waiting too long, to much obsessed with one client, and many more).

At the end, we were sad but didn’t regret it. We found a professional way to turn down this opportunity and still held a very good relationship with many people.

When a door close, another door always opens. Who knows? This may be the best thing that happens to us. This may be the best opportunity for us to be free again and refocus everything we have to pursue our own vision, in our own way, and totally for ourselves.

Our future just came back into our hands again. I am so exciting about what is going to happen.

Thinking and writing are the things I like. Sharing is what I love. Because of them, I write everyday to share stories from my thoughts and experiences, from the future I see and believe in. Everything I use to build Inthentic a better home. A home of people who want to do good things and give back. A home that is a small starting point of changes for a better society. I am proud of what I am doing. And even prouder to know that I am not doing it alone.

Thanks for reading. :-)



Inthentic Inc

A member of Mutrack and Inthentic. I lead, learn, and build with vision, love and care.