Never 50/50

Inthentic Inc
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2017

Really, can we split it 50/50? Verbally, we can say that but practically it is quite tough to do so.

You and your partner own exactly a half of the business each. Then you can question if you have done a bit more than her. Or possibly she may ask the same question.

You and your co-worker split this work into exactly 50/50. Then your dark side wonders if he is taking advantage of you because in your view, he is putting in only 40%.

Probably, it is not about the numbers but the feeling and the mindset. Somebody doesn’t care much about what she invests and what she may gain. But the others do. And when they do care, it is dangerous to have a half-half split. It can deteriorate the relationship and create a dead-end conflict because nobody is really in charge.

Better, you make it clear from the beginning what you expect from her. You can say “I own 60 and you own 40” You send a clear message to her that you are willing to put in more on this. You set a right expectation with her that you are totally fine with her working a bit less than you.

Better, you make it clear from the beginning what you expect for this relationship. You can say “Because it’s your idea so I am OK with 40%” You send a clear message to him that you are expecting him to do a bit more than you and be more responsible for it. You set a right expectation with him that you are totally fine with you gaining less than him in return.

Either way, don’t do 50/50. It is a good idea to have someone really in charge, even with just numbers on the paper.

And by the way, there is no harm in doing more than what you own. :-)

Thinking and writing are the things I like. Sharing is what I love. Because of them, I write everyday to share stories from my thoughts and experiences, from the future I see and believe in. Everything I use to build Inthentic a better home. A home of people who want to do good things and give back. A home that is a small starting point of changes for a better society. I am proud of what I am doing. And even prouder to know that I am not doing it alone.

Thanks for reading. :-)



Inthentic Inc

A member of Mutrack and Inthentic. I lead, learn, and build with vision, love and care.