Withstand It

Inthentic Inc
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2017

We get mad when our project delays. But we can withstand some jerks in our team.

We get frustrated when we are likely to miss a revenue target. But we can withstand internal politics.

We feel down when we know our competitor releases a new product before we do. But we don’t give a damn about outraged backstabbing behavior.

We think we are doomed when our marketing campaign is not working. But we are quite OK with our bureaucratic processes.

We upset every time the team fails to come up with a new way to innovate. But we can withstand the feeling of low-quality product.

We ask a lot of questions when the team fails to meet a commitment. But we keep our mouth shut when it comes to strategic mistakes.

Are they irony? Yes

Are they the truth? Also, yes.


Thinking and writing are the things I like. Sharing is what I love. Because of them, I write everyday to share stories from my thoughts and experiences, from the future I see and believe in. Everything I use to build Inthentic a better home. A home of people who want to do good things and give back. A home that is a small starting point of changes for a better society. I am proud of what I am doing. And even prouder to know that I am not doing it alone.

Thanks for reading. :-)



Inthentic Inc

A member of Mutrack and Inthentic. I lead, learn, and build with vision, love and care. https://piyorot.com