An Elegy to the Victims of the Rwandan Genocide

The silent victims…

Noah Q
Inspiring Poets
4 min readMar 26, 2024


Photo by Stuart Isaac Harrier on Unsplash

The 1994 Rwandan Genocide was a dark and harrowing chapter in Rwanda’s history. In a 100 day period, up to 800,000 ethnic Tutsi’s were killed by Hutu extremists.

Many were forced to flee to neighboring countries. The survivors often struggled with: starvation, disease, displacement, abuse, PTSD and other forms of trauma.

In this poem, I attempt to highlight: the brutality of the Rwandan genocide, the violent nature of the killings, the traumas that survivors had to endure, and the difficulties that refugees experienced while adjusting to a new life away from home.

The Pain Doesn’t Stop

The Hutu militants arrived late at night .
They carried machetes, clubs, swords and knives.
They broke down our doors with such brute force,
Killing every man, woman and child with absolutely no remorse.
I knew that running away was an absolute must,
And as I ran, I asked myself, “Why is this happening to us?”
I ran and I ran until I was undetected and hidden.
In the distance, I could hear the crying of a thousand children.

What would you do if you were scared and alone?
Living on the streets as an outcast with no home.
What would you do if you had no mom and dad?
What would you do if you’ve lost everything you’ve ever had?

The streets were filled with corpses, bones and blood.
I saw mutilated bodies covered in mud.
I stood there shocked, trembling with fear.
But I continued to run because the enemies were near.
I was depressed and anxious, and at night I cried.
I deeply missed my friends and family that had recently died.
I really felt like killing myself,
Because there was nobody out there who was willing to help.

What would you do if you were scared and alone?
Living on the streets as an outcast with no home.
What would you do if you had no mom and dad?
What would you do if you’ve lost everything you’ve ever had?

Refugee camp. Photo by Julie Ricard on Unsplash

I fled to Uganda and lived in a refugee camp.
I was forced to live in tents that were dirty and cramp.
Diseases such as HIV and gonorrhea were so widespread.
And most people died because there were no meds.
The air reeked with the stenches of vomit and diarrhea,
And that’s when I suddenly had this life changing idea.
I boarded a plane and headed towards Canada.
I knew that death was inevitable if I went back to Rwanda.

What would you do if you were scared and alone?
Living on the streets as an outcast with no home.
What would you do if you had no mom and dad?
What would you do if you’ve lost everything you’ve ever had?

I was an unaccompanied minor when I arrived in this country.
I was scared, depressed, lonely, and so very hungry.
The temperature was below zero, and I was very cold.
I did not have any money to buy a jacket, as I’ve been told.
I lived in a youth shelter, and it was overcrowded and packed.
On some days, there were no beds, so I slept on a mat.
I suffered from insomnia, flashbacks and nightmares.
It seemed as if nobody was answering any of my prayers.
At school, I could not concentrate, and I had no friends.
I really wish all my suffering would finally end.

What would you do if you were scared and alone?
Living on the streets as an outcast with no home.
What would you do if you had no mom and dad?
What would you do if you’ve lost everything you’ve ever had?

I barely spoke English, and had difficulty finding a job.
After every interview rejection, I could only cry and sob.
I received social assistance from the government but it was not enough to survive.
I was forced to beg for money in order to stay alive.
I did not trust anybody, so I had no emotional support.
I started abusing alcohol and cocaine, which I would often snort.
The drugs only offered temporary relief,
From all my pain, suffering and grief.

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

What would you do if you were scared and alone?
Living on the streets as an outcast with no home.
What would you do if you had no mom and dad?
What would you do if you’ve lost everything you’ve ever had?

I was eventually arrested for illegally possessing a drug.
The police even labelled me a “lowlife” and a “thug”.
In jail, I had lost all hope to survive.
I decided that I no longer wanted to stay alive.
Suicide was the only thing that was on my mind.
To me, being dead was totally fine.
So I grabbed some bedsheets and wrapped them around my neck.
Because my life has been nothing, but an absolute shipwreck.
I eventually passed out, and saw nothing but black.
I knew that right now, there was going back.

What would you do if you were scared and alone?
Living on the streets as an outcast with no home.
What would you do if you had no mom and dad?
What would you do if you’ve lost everything you’ve ever had?



Noah Q
Inspiring Poets

Canadian focusing on minimalism, frugal living and solo travel. A college prof once told me my writing is “really good”, so here I am