Communicating Heart to Heart on Medium and In Life

In the community with readers, followers and writers

Inspiring Words


Photo by Will O on Unsplash

Dear readers, writers and hard-working Medium staff, I highly value this platform and the privilege of writing. Therefore, I do my best to be my best, and the writers I know do the same. I write heart-to-heart and cherish the community of like-minded people I’ve come to know, as well as the hard-working staff who support us.

Medium writers can’t communicate visually or by listening.

However, on Medium, we communicate heart-to-heart through written words and using emojis and quotes to impart the correct sense of those words.

Sometimes, we see pictures of fellow writers, but we know each other by our words and our hearts.

Consequently, we choose our words carefully to convey our hearts, not just a cold dump of words and letters on a screen that turns readers away.

We must use the correct words to help others understand what we mean, what our message is, how we feel, and what we’ve experienced. Our communication must be clear, easy to read and understandable.

It has to be heart-to-heart.

Medium is a unique platform bringing readers and…



Inspiring Words

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.