FAITH: Rare Random Reflections

Faith is the substance of things hoped for

Chinedu V. Onyema
Inspiring Words


Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Faith is often regarded as a synonym for religion but it is not on this discourse. Faith transcends religion.

If a religious man exhibits lower faith and a non-religious man demonstrates higher faith, the latter has it.

Is faith controversial? No, it is rather mysterious. When a man of faith calls for fire upon a heap of wet woods, fire answers faster than a faithless fellow on an open cylinder of cooking gas.

Faith is a living organism.

Faith feeds, sees, hears, grows and glows. Faith expands and develops.

One of the metaphors for faith is the cheque (check) leaf. It is not money but it represents money. It is not cash but once it is signed by the authorized signatory, the cash is as good as available.

Faith makes life worth living even when suicide appears the easier option. Faith makes the difference between giving up and hanging on.

Faith is the unseen hand that controls the seen. Faith is the future that is more realistic than the present.

Faith is powerful. The potency of faith is limitless. The force of faith is higher than a one-million-man army.

Faith is living. Faith is breathing. Faith is moving. Faith is thoughtlessly thoughtful. Faith is irrationally rational.

It is faith that keeps one writing on a platform, instead of seeing something: one is seeing nothing. Yet one continues writing.

Faith sees the future

Years ago, I heard the story of those that built Dubai. They had gone to a certain one-time economically vibrant African country to canvas for partnership to develop Dubai.

The Africans had questioned how one could go to develop a mere desert. Today, the former desert is now a haven and the rest is history ...

Foolish faith is still far better than wise doubt. Faith makes the ‘exerciser’ much wiser than the faithless wise at last.

Faith is a dynamic catalyst

Faith is the ink that refills the pen when the liquid is all but gone. Faith is the oasis that beautifies the comfortless desert.

Faith preserves, makes healthy and makes wealthy.

Faith acts foolishly but is wise.

Faith fills up the simple with knowledge, wisdom and hope while the knowledgeable perish in despondency.

Faith is akin to calling the things that are not as if they were. Faith created and creates and recreates. Faith makes life worth living.

Faith grows

I once read the story of the early settlers of America. Those who settled for the Southern American part went in search of gold while those who settled in the Northern part went in search of God.

The massive developments in the United States and Canada versus the standards of living in the Latin America speak volumes, as it were today.

It is the growth of faith that dwarfs doubt. It is the feeding of doubt that starves faith.

Faith is an evidence

Faith makes those who lack evidence to become custodians of all incontrovertible evidences. Yesterday was the byproduct of faith. Today is the byproduct of faith. Tomorrow will be the byproduct of faith.

Faith has no expiry date. It lives on. It is the evidence of God.

Thanks for reading.



Chinedu V. Onyema
Inspiring Words

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."