I Got One of the ‘Blessings’ of My Life that Closely Moved Me to Tears Recently

“ … you will go places.”

Chinedu V. Onyema
Inspiring Words


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

This is utterly unbelievable. I am not much of a very emotional person. Although I could be humorous or funny from time to time, I do not easily display personal emotions openly.

But I did recently.

I had responded to a friend’s public post on a platform. He did celebrate the birthday of his twins therein.

Of course, my response was not anything totally different (more special) from (than) others. The response from him however was out of this world.

Few minutes previously I had had a rather strange dream. A man did appear in the place I was unusually selling some tubers of yam.

A handful of prospective buyers had gathered to buy them. The partly mad man and partly street urchin came from no where.

The potential customers became scared and were about to disperse as a result. I ,however, forced one of the tubers into his mouth. That was when he had apparently became more heady and confrontational.

By the time I did that and added some prayers to it, some of the astounded customers became more confident and returned as the semi-madman fell on the ground (as falling under the anointing).

I prayed through from the dream to physically wake up still uttering some warfare prayers. As I quickly woke up and checked the time, it was about 3.01 am.

Few minutes later, I checked my device and saw this wonderfully unprecedented response to my earlier mentioned birthday wish. It read:

“My erudite writer of no mean feat, you shall go places.”

Honestly, goosebumps of no mean measure ran down my spine. My system became supernaturally charged. I could only but utter a charismatically outstretched “Ammmmmeeeeeeennnnnnn!” to that.

That was the greatest wish or prayer or blessing I have received since writing on this platform. The fellow is not a member of the Medium but I have shared some of the links to my stories to him a couple of times.

Of course, he had promised to read them if his busy schedule did permit. So, I was not only flabbergasted but thrilled at such level of spiritual support, especially after that strangely phenomenal kind of dream.

I could recall one of the most important messages I have heard which was entitled: “Blessing: A Spiritual Force”. As curse is a spiritual force, so blessing is.

I could not agree more. I could not believe less. The message was self-convincing. Wishes, prayers, blessings … name them, are some of the mysteries of life and living.

Thank you Most High Lord for blessing me in such a strange manner.

Thanks for reading.

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Chinedu V. Onyema
Inspiring Words

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."