Inspiring Words Weekly Round Up July 8–14, 2024

It’s too warm

Inspiring Words
3 min readJul 15, 2024


Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash

This past week has been up and down.

I wasn’t able to publish two articles every day because of the arrival of two baby goats!

We are having a very hot summer — record heat of 109 and looking to set a record for consecutive days of 100 and over.

I heard that the UK is having rain and very little sun.

I pray that summer has found you enjoying your time and even going on vacation!

Here are the articles published on Inspiring Words this week with a few added that were just too good not to put in here.

Here is what the articles cover — slow down, benefits of slow, journal, back to school, overwhelmed, full barn, Lists, highlighting, weakness is not what you think, controlling your destiny, having fun, age doesn’t matter, weather, a great book, leadership, and Jesus and religion.

I hope you enjoy them.

Fleda is trying to slow down.

Article by Mike Sansone about the benefits of slow.

Here’s an article by Grace Notes about her journal.

Mary Papas, a IW writer, Went to School.

It’s official — the Barn is full for this year.

For writers on Medium — Lists are the greatest!

Also for writers — try Highlighting a little more!Not all weaknesses are what you thing the are.

Not all weaknesses are what you thing the are.

Your life and destiny are in your hands along with power.

Are you having fun or is your life lacking fun?

I have a friend who is far younger than me, but we are good friends.

Weather has definite influence on us and can be harmful to our Mental Health.

I highly recommend this book by Ryan Holiday. The Daily Stoic — 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and The Art of Living. It inspired this article.

Jesus wasn’t a fan of the Pharisees Hierarchy who were robbed the people.

That’s all the articles for this week. We appreciate our readers and followers and want you to know that you are why we do this and we hope to be a blessing to you!

Our love and appreciation to you always — Fleda.B



Inspiring Words

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.