Jesus Destroyed Religious Hierarchies

Jesus was a servant not an Overlord

Inspiring Words
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2024


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Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Jesus was meek and humble, but what He did turned the world upside down!

When Jesus was on earth, various religions existed.

The Hebrew people, including Jesus, practiced Judaism, but those in power established a Hierarchy who were not as interested in the people’s needs as Jesus had been.

Judaism had been separated into four religions based on differing philosophies.

The Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and Zealots wielded significant power with Leaders who were not servants.

They developed so many laws that they could not even fulfill them.

Their power had definitely gone to their heads as they proclaimed themselves a power unto themselves.

Jesus had more than one encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees, which wasn’t always pleasant.

Jesus called them hypocrites and snakes!

The Pharisees had imposed impossible…



Inspiring Words

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.