Little Gifts to Yourself

They can make all the difference!

Mary Papas
Inspiring Words


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

There are some days when nothing seems to be going well.

It’s like everything goes wrong for some reason and you just don’t know why or how.

Mistakes at work, a fight with a friend, a misunderstanding with your partner can all take their toll on you and ruin your day.

I have been there more times than I can count.

Luckily, I have found out that there are some things that can make those days a little better. I call them ‘’ little gifts to yourself’’.

Ordering your favorite beverage is one of them. It is important to order it, instead of making it yourself, so that you will feel pampered.

Go to Amazon and check out your wish list. Pick one of the items at random and make a purchase. Within a few minutes, you will have something you wanted fora long while!

Go to YouTube or Spotify and create a new music playlist, then put on your headphones and enjoy! Listen to it again and again, as long as it takes to start feeling better.

Do you have a favorite show on Netflix? Pick your all-time favorite episode, sit back and enjoy!

There will be days when you will do all the above, other days when you will do some of the above, and other days when you will do just one of the above.

One thing is for sure: you will feel better!



Mary Papas
Inspiring Words

Author, content creator, copywriter and translator. If writing didn't exist, I wouldn't have a voice. My books: