Slow Down You Move Too Fast

It creates problems

Inspiring Words
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash

American society is a ‘Hurry-up’ society.

We are always in a hurry to get somewhere, finish something, meet a deadline, or get our kids where they need to be.

After years of always being in a hurry, I’ve realized something — how detrimental it was to me!

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I’m now retired and have no reason to be in a hurry.

However, I have caught myself feeling pressure to hurry, getting stressed and making mistakes.

I knew I had to tell myself to stop.

There is no reason to hurry or be stressed. I am under no outside pressure to hurry.

I put that pressure on myself without realizing it, making me irritable.

Once I realized what I was doing, I reminded myself to slow down, take a deep breath, breathe in peace and breathe out stress. There was no hurry.

I say to myself, “There is no hurry. There is no reason for stress. There is no reason for being irritable.”

It’s simple, but it has helped me…



Inspiring Words

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.