Welcome to the June Inspiring Words Newsletter

Summer in Idaho brings long days

Inspiring Words
3 min readJun 10, 2024


Photo by Pietro De Grandi on Unsplash

May was a great month on Medium.

Income was up, followers were up, and I wrote 2 to 3 articles per day.

June is a new challenge because there is so much more to do on the farm and my time to write has been cut down. It wish I could write all the time, but there’s work to do.

June’s biggest challenge was that Inspiring Words was banned.

Thankfully, it only last half the day and I was fully reinstated. However, it was a stressful morning because there was no communication. I had done nothing wrong, but you don’t find that out until you’re reinstated!

Oh well, I’m grateful for Medium and the community of writers.

I love summer in Idaho.

The sun rises at 5:30 a.m. and sets at 9:45 p.m. Of course there is still light after the sun sets so people are out recreating until past ten at night!

Something new:

I’m going to include links to some articles I wrote and from authors I follow. Hopefully you will enjoy the variety of articles.

Some of My Articles for May 2024:

Some great articles by wonderful writers I follow.

A group of Benedictine Monks follow me and I follow them!

My friend Mike Sansone writes wonderfully uplifting articles.

Another wonderful writer is Mario Da Silva. Read and learn.

John Pearce collections amazing groups of author with humor thrown in.

I hope you enjoy the variety of articles. I will be making some changes to the Newsletter and this is one of them — Including links to my articles and articles from other authors.

I would like to hear your suggestions for what you want to see in the IW Newsletter!

Also, a great author, Tom Owens: How I REALLY Feel! is now a writer for IW. I am so excited. He has made some great contributions like these:

Same for Chinedu V. Onyema. Here is his latests contribution.

That’s all for now. Please send your suggestions and be blessed! Find the joy this wonderful child has found.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash



Inspiring Words

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.