How to go from good to great in digital marketing?

Inspiron Solutions
Published in
5 min readJun 27, 2018

When it comes to digital marketing, everything is changing so fast and if you are not up to speed daily everything you do will go to waste. If you earn your living by selling something online, you have to be aware that there are millions and millions of people who are doing the same thing you do, only maybe better and more original.

Because people who are more likely to be targeted to digital marketing are young people, they are tech-savvy and they will know when to see trough someone. Also, their attention is seriously lacking, which can be a flaw, but in a world where every day we are bombarded with so many things screaming at us from our screen (and lots of us spend more time in a day looking at the screen than in real life), you have to know how to segregate things and know what is worth allowing to have your full attention.

So, if you are somebody working in the industry of digital marketing, you have to know a little hacks or tricks how to become better and go from good to great. It is not enough anymore to be just in the middle — we live in a world where things are either “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”, so if you are not the best, then simply you are the worst.

And that will affect your work. So here are some things you can do to become better.

First, you have to know that many other people will do something you do. So, you have to be more original than others. Easier said than done, because is originality even possible now? Well, yes and no. If you can’t find original idea, try to find something that will be influenced by other easily recognizable thing. Like Picasso said, good artist copy, great artist steal. So no, you don’t need to steal someone’s idea, but rather you should take something already done and put a new spin on it so it will seem original. Or if that fails, you can always go with something more stupid, which will make people laugh or cringe, but they will definitely notice you and in marketing getting noticed is most important. How many times you had some boring jingle or commercial stuck in your head? Yes, but you still know about it and you heard about product they were selling. So always try to be original, and if you believe that originality is dead you can always put new spin or old thing, or just try something that will make people notice you any way possible.

Then, you have to know who is your target. If you are targeting young people, you have to know what is popular with them and where to best reach them. Because young people and Millennials are more likely to use internet and be influenced on things seen there, you have to know how to speak their language. Don’t try to seem cool, but rather be cool because it is kind of their superpower to see trough fakeness. You have to follow popular stars, music, movies, sites, social networks, because they spend most of their time on net and if there is one thing about it, it is that things are changing fast.

Which leads us to next step — be fast. It can be exhausting to follow everything and it’s literally impossible to do that. You cannot know which movie is cool, which star is trending, what song is most listened right now, but if you spend a lot of time on internet you will catch up. Most popular things are hard to miss — like this summer, that Spanish-language song “Despacito” was everywhere and its melody is easily recognizable even if you don’t speak Spanish. Why not to use it or something that will remind people of it in your marketing? Still, you have to be careful because those trends come and goes real fast. Does anybody even remember “Gangam Style” anymore? So, you have to be fast and follow as many things possible. Just then, when you know what is trending right now, you will be able to create your own content which can itself become popular.

Also, people are often saying you should never give up. But I think that it’s better to say that you should know when you need to give up. It’s great that you are having your principles and want to finish work all the way through, but if something is not working, it’s just not working. Know what is worth fighting for. If one thing fails, you need to be ready to start a new. It is important to know when to stop trying because like they said definition of madness is doing same thing over and over again, and failing in it. So you have to know when to quit and change your ways.

Learn from others — from best, but also from worst. From other people’s failings, you can learn as much you can learn from other people successes. Get quality people who will do good job, and don’t be afraid of delegating your job. If something is not your field of expertize, you find someone who know about it and let them do it.

Don’t wait on good ideas. You might think that you will stop having good ideas and you will want to savour this one, but it is just a waste of good idea. Use it right now, because next thing will come to you soon, because you never know where you will find inspiration.

Fight for your place under the sun. Internet is huge and as vast as space itself, and it has place for everybody there, but with that, many will go unnoticed. You have to be great because being enough is just not enough anymore. And to be great, you need to constantly adapt, change, follow others, and create new and original things. It sounds like you have to have magic ball to know what will be successful, and it kind of is because you can never know what will work on people. But with practice and knowledge and easy adapting to changes, you can almost predict what will help you to develop your digital marketing from just good to great, and make you recognizable and successful in your work.

Originally published at on June 27, 2018.



Inspiron Solutions
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