The benefits of hiring developers on retainers from professional digital companies

Inspiron Solutions
Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2020

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What is success? Success can be defined as achievement of previously set-up goals and objectives. Efficiency and quality are one of the main criteria by which success is measured. For these reasons we have seen companies use Information Technology and the Internet as the main contributor in achieving organizational objectives.

There are many ways by which the internet has given us benefits through the years. Globalization, communication, and cost effectiveness are easily one of the most important, that’s why business innovations in the IT sector are at a very high level. Here we have the latest online business model offered to us: Developers on Retainer.

What does Developers on Retainer mean? It means that you can hire a software engineer who will be your “employee” for a period of time, without any administrational or legal hassle. He or She will be assigned to you so you can achieve your goal by making your idea real and functional. If you want to fully leverage the productivity, quality, efficiency and bottom-line benefits associated with a software project this could be a nice opportunity to look into.

The most important question, no doubt:

What are the benefits from having a developer on retainer?

· You are dealing with professionals.

Companies that offer these services have picked and chosen people that are educated and have experience with software developing. These companies put their reputation on the line by landing you one (or more) of their employees to literally work for you and help accomplish your project, so it’s safe to say that you probably are getting a qualified person.

For example, Inspiron Solutions is a rapidly growing full service digital consultancy and software Development Company and we offer a full range of senior, medium and junior programmers, supported by other experts on very specific topics. The developers are furthermore backed by a skillful CTO and a set of continuous trainings.

· It can be done form everywhere.

We have all heard the story that computers are the main reason for less activity and interaction in society. Yes, people are using PCs or smartphones every few minutes, but it certainly did not decrease communication and interaction, on the contrary, it increased it. People are thinking more and more globally due to internet. And for the business world, it has allowed companies to establish and maintain international business relationships.

In this case, all you need is to define what you want, a computer, internet and you are good to go. Sounds good? Well, probably because it is. With today’s technology you do not need face to face talk, you need a few online calls, and couple of e-mails and the developers will start executing your instructions.

· No administration work for you.

Because you are “renting” your developers, you are not obliged to worry about their salary, health insurance and all the other responsibilities that a company needs to have for its employees. That is a job for the companies that offer developers on demand. You also don’t need to worry about what kind of developer you are getting, if you are not satisfied just contact the company that has provided him/her to you and they will make the changes that are needed — hence, no need to fire and re-hire or go through lengthy interviewing.

· No HR and legal work as well.

If you are an owner of a business or just the manager of your team, you are going to be faced with some difficult decisions — most notably the hiring and firing decisions. And as you may well know, hiring and firing aren’t as simple as they sound.

By getting a developer on retainer, you are released form these obligations. You don’t do interviews or talent assessment because as I’ve said before “You are dealing with professionals”. You don’t have to worry if you need to fire someone, if less work is needed, technically they are not your employees. You are safe, legally speaking too.

· Engine for growth.

Former hockey superstar Wayne Gretzky once said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. This is true in the world of sports, but it is even truer in the world of business.

Nevertheless, potential new opportunities and clients will always appear.

In many situations companies are not in a position to take on those passing opportunities due to the lack of employees on their behalf, which is, again, understandable because those same opportunities might be a one-time-thing.

This is where Developers on retainer come in. By getting a developer you are able to capture almost every single business opportunity that requires extra people, and yet not go through the trouble of hiring new employees and, if necessary, later firing them as well. You are able to make your own team that you think is best suited for the project you have in mind.

Remember you are creating a temporary team for a project that happens to fall in your hands, but if that project turns out to become some sort of business model and its going rather well, than you can hire your own developers full time, thus growing your company in a safe and lean way.

· They can handle spikes.

Companies have their turbulences in the business sphere, a fact that there is no running away from. Whether they are positive or negative, the spikes are going to be there.

Companies sometimes have increased demands, sometimes have low demands as a result of their seasonality. Clients come and go. When new and interesting projects appear there might not be time to go through the interviewing process for finding a good developer. You can use Developers on retainer to handle increased demands and then, when low demands come, you can decrease your team in a pain-free way.

At Inspiron Solutions, among other things such as custom-made software, licensing of our eCommerce or CRM solutions, apps and other solutions, we offer a tested model for hiring developers on retainer. Feel free to contact us with any additional questions or to learn more, we would love to help.



Inspiron Solutions
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