Anime Similarity

Arshul Shaik
INST414: Data Science Techniques
6 min readApr 12, 2024

In the world of anime, where there are tons of shows to choose from, finding the perfect one can be tough. As anime keeps getting more popular, it’s hard for both streaming platforms and viewers to sort through everything. With so many options out there, picking an anime that’s just right for you can feel like a real puzzle, showing why good recommendation systems are so important.

As those involved in the anime scene navigate its changes, they’re asking: How can streaming platforms keep up with recommending shows as the options grow? This important question highlights the need to use new methods, like analyzing genre similarities with network data, to improve recommendation algorithms and meet the diverse preferences of viewers. With the anime community thriving, enhancing recommendation systems is crucial for making it easy for viewers to find and enjoy content that matches their tastes.

The data that could answer the question of how anime streaming platforms can improve recommendations based on genre similarity would ideally include information about individual anime titles and their respective genres. Relevant fields within this dataset would include:

  1. Anime Title: The name of each anime series or movie.
  2. Genres: The genres associated with each anime, such as action, adventure, romance, fantasy, etc.
  3. Viewer Preferences: Data on viewer preferences, either explicitly provided (e.g., through user profiles or ratings) or inferred from viewing history.

This dataset is crucial for addressing the question because it provides the necessary information to analyze genre similarity between different anime titles. By understanding the genres associated with each anime and comparing them across the dataset, it becomes possible to identify patterns of similarity and divergence. This analysis forms the basis for developing recommendation algorithms that suggest anime titles based on their genre similarity to content that viewers have enjoyed in the past. Ultimately, leveraging this dataset allows streaming platforms to tailor recommendations to individual viewer preferences, enhancing the overall viewing experience and increasing viewer engagement.

Utilizing Kaggle’s platform, I promptly downloaded the CSV file to my local environment. Leveraging Python’s panda library, I efficiently loaded the dataset, facilitating further analysis. Subsequently, I meticulously examined the dataset’s structure and content, identifying pertinent fields related to anime titles and genres. With a keen eye on my objectives, I extracted a subset of the data containing the relevant fields, laying the groundwork for my exploration of genre similarity and subsequent enhancement of anime recommendations. Through Kaggle’s user-friendly interface and rich repository of datasets, I seamlessly obtained the “anime-filtered” dataset, streamlining my data acquisition process and enabling focused analysis.

To identify the top 50 nodes in terms of total edge weight in the anime graph, I computed the total edge weight for each node. This involved summing the weights of all edges connected to each node, representing the cumulative genre similarity of each anime title with other titles in the dataset. By sorting the nodes based on their total edge weight in descending order, I obtained the top 50 nodes that have the highest cumulative genre similarity with other anime titles.

In the context of the graph representing anime titles and their genre similarity, “importance” is determined using betweenness centrality. Betweenness centrality measures the extent to which a node lies on the shortest paths between other nodes in the network. Nodes with higher betweenness centrality act as bridges or connectors between different parts of the network, facilitating communication and maintaining network cohesion.

Based on the calculation of betweenness centrality using the code provided, the top 3 important nodes in the graph are identified as follows:

These nodes are crucial for maintaining the connectivity and structure of the network, as they lie on the shortest paths between other nodes, thereby influencing the flow of information or influence within the network.

In the graph representing anime titles and their genre similarity, each node or vertex represents an individual anime title. These nodes serve as entities within the network, with each anime title being a distinct entity in the dataset. As you observe the graph, you’ll notice that all the anime titles are interconnected through numerous edges. These edges represent the relationships of genre similarity between the corresponding anime titles. The presence of multiple edges highlights the intricate web of genre connections among anime titles, demonstrating the complexity of the genre landscape within the dataset. This interconnectedness underscores why recommending anime can be challenging — due to the diverse array of genres and the overlapping nature of genre preferences among viewers. The multitude of edges reflects the nuanced relationships between anime titles based on genre similarity, illustrating the difficulty in providing personalized recommendations that accurately capture the diverse tastes and preferences of individual viewers.

While working with the dataset, one of the main problems was its size, which made it hard for tools like VS Code to handle it smoothly. So, I made it smaller by picking out the most important parts based on factors like how popular an anime was or how varied its genres were. This made it easier to work with and analyze. Another important decision was figuring out how to measure how similar anime were based on their genres. With so many different genres and how people see them differently, it was tricky. I tried different ways to see which one worked best, like comparing how many genres two anime had in common or looking at how similar the lists of genres were. This helped me find the best way to measure similarity that matched the dataset and what I wanted to find out. While cleaning up the data, I ran into common issues like missing values, weird formatting, and having the same data more than once. To fix these, I used pandas to find and fill in missing info, make sure all the genre names looked the same, and get rid of any repeated entries. I also made sure all the data was in the right format to work with. By dealing with these challenges and finding the right solutions, I made the dataset ready for analysis. This let me understand better how different anime genres are related and make smarter decisions based on that.

In discussing the limitations of the analysis, two significant factors to consider are genre classification bias and data availability bias. Firstly, genre classification bias arises from the subjective nature of genre classifications, which can vary across different sources or cultural contexts. This inconsistency may introduce bias into the analysis, potentially skewing the results by favoring certain genres over others or misrepresenting the true similarities between anime titles. Additionally, the reliance on genres as the primary basis for comparison inherently limits the analysis. While genres provide a convenient framework for measuring similarity, they cannot capture the full complexity of anime titles, which encompass various elements such as plot, character development, and animation style. Therefore, the analysis may overlook important similarities or differences between anime titles that extend beyond genre classifications. It’s essential to acknowledge these limitations and interpret the results with caution, recognizing that the analysis may not fully capture the nuanced relationships between anime titles.

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