Exploring Chess Strategies: Analyzing the Success Rates of Common Opening Moves

Chukwunedu Onwuka
INST414: Data Science Techniques
7 min readApr 15, 2024


In the realm of chess strategy, the opening moves hold immense significance, laying the groundwork for the ensuing battles on the board. But which opening moves are most common, and how do they affect players’ success rates? This exploration delves into the world of chess openings, revealing the patterns and strategies that shape players’ decisions. Join us as we analyze the data behind popular opening moves and their impact on strategic choices in the game of chess.

Data Description:

The dataset used for this analysis is from Kaggle.com, and includes a wide array of popular chess openings and defenses, with statistics derived from thousands of chess games played at high Elo levels. It encompasses key metrics such as performance ratings, win percentages for White and Black, draw percentages, and odds ratios.

The fields included are:

  • Opening: Names of the chess opening or defense variation.
  • Color: The side (White or Black) that the opening is more favorable towards.
  • Num Games: Total number of games played with each opening.
  • ECO: Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings classification code.
  • Last Played: Date of the latest game in the dataset utilizing each opening.
  • Perf Rating: Average performance rating of players using each opening.
  • Player Win %, Draw %, Opponent Win %: Win rates, draw percentages, and win rates against players using each opening.
  • Moves, Moves_list: Detailed move sequences for each opening.
  • Move1w to Move4b: Detailed opening moves for both White and Black, up to the fourth move.
  • White_win%, Black_win%: Win percentages for White and Black.
  • White_odds: Odds ratio favoring White based on win rates.
  • White_Wins, Black_Wins: Total number of wins by White and Black.

Ground-Truth Labels:

The ground-truth labels for this dataset are generated based on the outcomes of chess games played using each opening. These outcomes, including wins, losses, and draws, serve as the basis for evaluating the success rates and effectiveness of different openings.


The dataset is highly relevant to the question as it provides empirical data on the success rates and performance of various chess openings. By analyzing this data, researchers and chess enthusiasts can gain insights into which openings are most effective, helping inform strategic decisions during gameplay. Additionally, the dataset facilitates the study of opening strategies across different levels of play, offering valuable insights for players of all skill levels.

Classification VS Regression Model

For analyzing chess openings and their success rates, a regression model is the better choice over classification. Here’s why:

  • Nature of the Feature: The win percentage of each chess opening is a continuous variable, making regression more suitable for predicting this outcome accurately.
  • Prediction Task: We aim to predict the win percentage associated with each opening, aligning with a regression task where win rates are treated as continuous values rather than discrete categories.
  • Interpretability: Regression models provide clear interpretability by predicting win percentages directly, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the performance of different openings.
  • Model Performance Evaluation: Evaluation metrics like mean squared error (MSE) are well-suited for assessing the model’s ability to predict win percentages accurately.
  • Handling Class Imbalance: Since win percentages can vary continuously, regression models can handle the inherent variability in chess data more effectively.

Features Used for the Supervised Model

The features used for the supervised model are:

  1. Opening: This feature represents the specific chess opening employed in a game.
  2. Num Games: This feature denotes the number of games associated with a particular opening.
  3. Perf Rating: This feature indicates the performance rating associated with a specific opening.
  4. Player Win %: This feature represents the win percentage of players using a particular opening.

After applying the trained model, the top 5 samples where the model’s predictions were furthest from the actual win rates were identified.

  1. Queen’s Gambit Accepted, Saduleto Variation: The model predicted a win rate of approximately 34.744%, while the actual win rate was 69.3%.
  2. Four Knights Game, Spanish Variation, Rubinstein Variation: The model predicted a win rate of approximately 35.762%, while the actual win rate was 13.6%.
  3. Spanish Game, Morphy Defense, Wing Attack: The model predicted a win rate of approximately 35.533%, while the actual win rate was 57.6%.
  4. Italian Game, Classical Variation, General: The model predicted a win rate of approximately 35.718%, while the actual win rate was 55.7%.
  5. Gruenfeld Defense, Smyslov Defense: The model predicted a win rate of approximately 35.161%, while the actual win rate was 15.2%.

These samples were likely incorrectly labeled or scored due to various factors such as:

  • Insufficient data: The dataset might not have enough instances or variation of games associated with certain openings, leading to inaccurate predictions.
  • Complexity of chess strategies: Certain openings might involve intricate strategies that are challenging for the model to accurately capture, leading to discrepancies between predicted and actual win rates.
  • Human factors: The outcome of chess games can also be influenced by human factors such as player skill level, experience, and decision-making during the game, which may not be fully captured by the features included in the model.

Overall, these discrepancies highlight the complexity of predicting chess game outcomes solely based on opening strategies and performance ratings and suggest the need for further refinement and feature engineering to improve the model’s accuracy.

Additionally, I analyzed the dataset to determine the top 5 chess openings based on win percentage:

  1. Italian Game, Two Knights Defense, Fried Liver Attack — 77.6%
  2. Italian Game, Classical Variation, Center Attack — 71.5%
  3. Queen’s Gambit Refused, Chigorin Defense, Janowski Variation — 70.1%
  4. Caro-Kann Defense, Maroczy Variation, Maroczy Gambit — 69.5%
  5. Queen’s Gambit Accepted, Saduleto Variation — 69.3%

These openings have shown to lead to a higher win percentage on average compared to other openings in the dataset.

Answering the Question

The question of identifying the best chess openings is a complex one that involves considering various factors such as win rates, player preferences, and strategic considerations. While it’s possible to create a code to analyze win rates and identify the openings with the highest success rates, it’s essential to note that the “best” opening can vary depending on individual playing styles, opponent strategies, and game context.

In this analysis, we utilized a dataset containing information about numerous chess openings, including their win percentages, performance ratings, and other relevant metrics. By applying supervised learning techniques, we built a model to predict the success rates of different openings based on key features such as the number of games played, performance ratings, and player win percentages.

After training the model and evaluating its performance, we were able to identify the top 5 chess openings based on win percentage. These openings provide valuable insights into which strategies tend to lead to higher success rates on average. However, it’s crucial to interpret these results with caution and consider other factors such as player skill levels and opponent responses when choosing an opening strategy.

In conclusion, while a code can indeed be developed to analyze win rates and identify openings with high success rates, determining the “best” opening ultimately depends on a combination of factors and may vary from one player to another. Nonetheless, by leveraging data-driven insights and machine learning techniques, we can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of different opening strategies in the game of chess.

Data Cleanup Process:

  1. Handling Missing Values: I started by detecting and addressing missing values, especially in key columns like ‘Last Played’ and ‘Moves’. Depending on the context, I either dropped rows with missing values or imputed them with appropriate values.
  2. Data Type Conversion: Ensuring consistency in data types was crucial. I converted numerical columns to their appropriate types and encoded categorical variables for better analysis.
  3. Encoding Categorical Variables: To prepare categorical variables like ‘Opening’, ‘ECO’, and ‘Colour’ for modeling, I used one-hot encoding. This helped capture their nuances effectively.
  4. Dealing with Non-Numeric Data: Managing non-numeric data, such as lists of chess moves in the ‘Moves’ column, was a challenge. I decided to remove irrelevant columns or convert them to numeric formats wherever possible.
  5. Addressing Outliers: Outliers can skew analysis, so I made sure to identify and address them using visualizations and statistical methods like winsorization. This helped maintain the integrity of the dataset.

Common Bugs and Fixes:

  • I encountered various errors related to missing values, data type inconsistencies, and challenges in handling non-numeric data effectively.
  • Consistency in data types and formats was crucial. I tackled issues iteratively during the cleaning process to ensure the dataset was ready for analysis.

Limitations and Biases:

  1. Data Quality and Representativeness: Limited or biased datasets may skew results and limit generalizability.
  2. Labeling Bias: Manual annotation of sentiment may introduce subjective biases.
  3. Model Bias and Generalization: Models may struggle to generalize or may reflect biases present in training data.
  4. Feature Selection Bias: Biased feature selection may overlook important patterns or introduce partial views.
  5. Evaluation Metrics Limitations: Metrics may not fully capture nuances or stakeholder priorities.
  6. Temporal Dynamics and Drift: Changes in sentiment over time can affect model performance.

Github Link — https://github.com/ChukwuneduOnwuka/Chess/blob/main/ChessOpenings.ipynb

