What statistical evidence exists to demonstrate the economic and social impacts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies within organizations and broader communities?

Jesse Oseafiana
INST414: Data Science Techniques
3 min readFeb 12, 2024

My goal is to find data that shows how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies quantitatively affect economic performance and social integration in organizations and their larger communities. To approach this, a multifaceted approach is needed, including statistical correlations between DEI initiatives and various metrics, such as organizational profitability, innovation rates, employee satisfaction, and community involvement. Our stakeholders for this inquiry and people that would be particularly interested are people such as executives from companies, HR pros, or policymakers aiming to support the economic case for DEI initiatives or to refine these tactics for greater efficiency and adoption. The insights could help make important decisions about how to allocate resources for DEI programs, how to build more cooperative corporate cultures, and how to put in place policies to make society more honest and cohesive.

As invasive as this would be, to answer the question of how DEI policies affect organizations, data should include a range of metrics, such as the number of employees, their turnover rates, job satisfaction scores, and measures of innovation. How would we measure or quantify our metrics? Economic performance indicators, like revenue growth, profitability, and market share, are important for our metrics. As a personal goal to diversify my skills in researching, in the past, I noticed that you can measure how much the community is involved by looking at how many people participate in local projects or work together with community groups. This data is important because it shows how DEI policies affect many different things, such as how they affect the organization’s internal dynamics and performance and how they affect society as a whole. This data allows a good look at how these policies affect economic and social outcomes.

Collecting data may be complicated; however, you can use APIs from professional networking sites like LinkedIn or financial data platforms like Bloomberg or Reuters to get some of this information, especially about how companies are different and how well they’re doing financially. For our programming component to measure social impact, using libraries in Python, we can get information about community projects and partnerships. Also, you can get information from employees about how happy they are at work and how the workplace is. Usually, anyone can use platforms like SurveyMonkey or Glassdoor to make questionnaires that answer specific questions about DEI. Our approach combines structured data from financial and professional platforms with unstructured data from corporate websites and direct survey responses to give a clearer view of DEI in organizations.

To do an exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the impacts of DEI policies, we would first gather data from various sources to cover economic performance, workforce diversity, employee satisfaction, and community engagement metrics. We would clean and prepare the data, fix any missing information, and make sure it’s the same across different sets of data. First, we would look at statistics to understand how things are spread out, what the average is, what the median is, and how things are different. Then, we would look at how DEI metrics relate to how well the organization is doing. Visualizations like scatter plots, histograms, and box plots can help you find patterns, outliers, or trends. To see how DEI implementation affected things, you can compare metrics before and after. This process would prepare for more detailed statistical or machine learning analyses to accurately measure the effects of DEI policies.

The study of how DEI policies affect people has many limitations because the data is not always available or representative. Workers may not be honest, as companies are increasingly finding ways to spy on their employees legally. Data from public sources or surveys may not cover the full range of organizations, especially smaller or private entities that are less likely to provide detailed information. This selection bias could make the results favor companies that are already open and have DEI policies that are more progressive. The analysis might not fully account for the qualitative aspects of DEI impacts, such as the depth of cultural integration and the lived experiences of diverse employee groups. The data may not show the long-term effects of DEI initiatives right away because of time factors. Finally, the analysis could be influenced by confirmation bias, where data interpretation is steered toward expected outcomes.

