Which influencers in a social network have the most impact on spreading information about a new product?

Chukwunedu Onwuka
INST414: Data Science Techniques
8 min readFeb 26, 2024


In today’s digital age, the influence wielded by social media influencers has become paramount in the world of product promotion. Whether you’re a brand looking to launch the next big thing or a consumer seeking trusted recommendations, understanding the role of influencers in spreading the word about new products is key. In this web based analysis, we explore the question: Which influencers within a social network have the most impact on spreading information about a new product, and how can data-driven insights inform this process? Knowing this information is vital for the allocation of marketing resources or targeting specific influencers for promotional activities.

Relevant Data

Social network graph data encompasses a collection of interconnected nodes and edges, where each node represents a user within the social network, and each edge represents a relationship or connection between users. These connections typically manifest as followership or following relationships, indicating the direction of influence or interaction between users.

  • User ID: An identifier unique to each user within the social network, facilitating the tracking and analysis of individual users.
  • Follower Count: The numerical count of followers for each user, indicating the size of their audience or reach within the network.
  • Post Engagement Metrics: Metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and views associated with the posts or content shared by each user. These metrics provide insights into the level of engagement and interaction generated by the user’s content within the network.

Relevance to the Question:

  1. Identifying Network Structure: The data’s structure, comprising nodes and edges, is instrumental in understanding the underlying network topology. By examining the connections between users (edges) and their individual attributes (nodes), we gain insights into the overall structure of the social network.
  2. Assessing User Influence: The user-specific fields, including follower count and post engagement metrics, play an important role in evaluating the influence and impact of individual users within the network. Users with a large follower count and high engagement metrics are likely to wield greater influence in disseminating information about new products within their respective communities. Conversely, users with a large follower count but low engagement may not provide the desired return on product investment.
  3. Informing Stakeholder Decision-making: For stakeholders such as marketing departments or brands launching new products, understanding the structure of the social network and identifying influential users are crucial factors in formulating effective promotional strategies. By leveraging data-driven insights derived from social network analysis, stakeholders can strategically target key influencers to maximize the reach and impact of their product promotion efforts.

Data Collection:

Data was collected from various social media platforms. I examined several individual user profiles and studied their engagement-to-follower ratio. For larger businesses or when collecting data at scale, tools such as Tweepy for Twitter, or API requests for other platforms can be utilized to obtain a larger volume of information efficiently. These tools allow access to user data, follower lists, post engagement metrics, and other relevant information, enabling comprehensive analysis of social media activity and influence.

Defining Nodes and Edges:

In our social network graph, each node can be thought of as a unique user or influencer within the network. These nodes represent individuals, each with their own profile, activity, and connections in the digital world. Now, when we talk about edges, we’re talking about the connections between these nodes. It’s like the digital handshake between users — a follower-followee relationship. So, if Node A represents User A and Node B represents User B, an edge between them means User A follows User B on the platform.

Understanding “Importance” in the Graph:

So, what makes a node important in our network? Well, there are a few ways to measure it:

  • Degree Centrality: This looks at how many connections or edges a node has. The more connections, the more “important” the node is in terms of reach.
  • Betweenness Centrality: This measures how often a node acts as a bridge between other nodes. It’s like being the connector between different social circles.
  • PageRank: Think of this as a popularity contest. Nodes with a high PageRank have a lot of influential connections, making them key players in spreading information.

Finding the answer

Analyzing the collected data using centrality metrics allows us to gain valuable insights into the structure of the social network and identify influential users who play a crucial role in spreading information about the new product.

Explanation of the Analysis:

  1. Centrality Metrics:
  • Degree Centrality: This metric measures the number of connections or edges that a node (user) has within the network. Users with a high degree centrality are considered important due to their extensive connections. In our analysis, users with a large number of followers (high degree centrality) are likely to have a significant impact on spreading information about the new product.
  • Betweenness Centrality: This metric identifies users who act as bridges or intermediaries between other users within the network. These users play a crucial role in facilitating communication and information flow. In our analysis, users with high betweenness centrality may not have the largest follower count but are strategically positioned to influence the spread of information about the new product to different parts of the network.
  • PageRank: PageRank measures the importance of a node based on the quality and quantity of its connections. Nodes with a high PageRank are considered important due to the prominence and influence of their connections. In our analysis, users with a high PageRank are likely to have influential connections, making them key players in spreading information about the new product.

2. Identifying Influential Users:

  • By applying these centrality metrics to our social network graph data, we can identify influential users who have the most impact on spreading information about the new product.
  • Users with high centrality scores in terms of degree centrality, betweenness centrality, or PageRank are considered influential within the network.
  • These influential users are strategically targeted by the marketing department for promotional activities, as they have the potential to reach a large audience and drive engagement.

How It Answers the Question:

By analyzing the collected data using centrality metrics, we can pinpoint influential users within the social network who are most effective at spreading information about the new product. This information allows the marketing department to prioritize these influential users for promotional activities, maximizing the reach and impact of the product promotion efforts. Ultimately, by strategically targeting influential users identified through data analysis, the marketing department can enhance the effectiveness of their promotional strategies and drive greater awareness and engagement for the new product within the social network.

Data Visualization:

  • Network graphs visually represent the connections between users within the social network. Nodes represent individual users, and edges represent the connections (e.g., follower-followee relationships) between them.
  • By plotting the social network as a graph, you can visually identify influential users based on their centrality metrics such as degree centrality, betweenness centrality, or PageRank.

Table Showing Top Influencers with Centrality Scores:

  • I used a table to provide a structured format for presenting information about the top influencers within the social network, along with their centrality scores.
  • This table displays several top influencers within the social network, along with their follower counts, post engagement metrics, and estimated centrality scores.
  • Users are ranked based on their centrality scores, with higher scores indicating greater influence within the network.
  • The table provides an example overview of the top influencers who can be prioritized for promotional activities to maximize the spread of information about the new product.

Data Cleanup Process:

Data Averaging

  • I took measures to filter out irrelevant data points or outliers that could potentially skew the analysis results and introduce bias into the findings. An example of this is when an account with generally low engagement unexpectedly receives a high number of likes on a post featuring a celebrity appearance, significantly inflating the average engagement metrics.

Authentic Accounts

  • I made sure to include only accounts by trusted content creators as a basis of my analysis. There are a large amount of fake accounts with false or “botted” engagement or follower size, and so I paid attention to avoid this.

Limitations and Biases:

Availability of Data:

  • Limited Access to Platform APIs: The analysis heavily relies on data obtained from social media platform APIs. However, access to these APIs may be restricted or limited, affecting the comprehensiveness of the data collected. Some platforms may impose restrictions on data access, limiting the scope of the analysis.

Biases in the Data:

  • Overrepresentation of Certain Demographics: Social media users may not represent a diverse range of demographics, leading to biases in the data. For example, certain demographic groups may be overrepresented, while others may be underrepresented or excluded entirely. This can skew the analysis and lead to biased conclusions about influencer impact on spreading information about new products.

Limitations of Centrality Metrics:

  • Incomplete Representation of Influence: Centrality metrics such as degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and PageRank provide valuable insights into the influence of individual users within the network. However, these metrics may not capture all aspects of influence comprehensively. For example, they may not account for the quality of interactions or the context in which information is shared, leading to an incomplete representation of influence.

Contextual Factors:

  • Lack of Contextual Information: The analysis may lack contextual information about users’ motivations, interests, and relationships, which is essential for understanding their influence within the network. Without this contextual information, the analysis may oversimplify the dynamics of online communities and fail to capture the nuances of influence.

Sampling Bias:

  • Selection Bias in Data Collection: The process of data collection may introduce sampling bias, where certain users or content are overrepresented or underrepresented in the dataset. For example, users with public profiles may be overrepresented compared to those with private profiles, leading to skewed findings.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Privacy and Ethical Concerns: The analysis must adhere to ethical guidelines and respect users’ privacy rights. It’s crucial to ensure that data collection and analysis methods comply with applicable laws and regulations and prioritize users’ privacy and consent.

Addressing Limitations:

  • To address these limitations, researchers should employ robust data collection methods, carefully consider the scope and representativeness of the dataset, and critically evaluate the validity and reliability of centrality metrics in capturing influence within the network.


In conclusion, this analysis highlights the importance of influencers in spreading information about new products within social networks. While there are limitations and biases in the data, addressing these challenges can enhance the validity of the findings. By understanding the structure of social networks and identifying influential users, stakeholders can strategically target key influencers to maximize the impact of their product promotion efforts. Ongoing research and analysis are crucial for staying informed about emerging trends in online communities and adapting marketing strategies accordingly.

