How to Quickly Turn Your Business & Personal Brand into a Money Making Machine on Instagram

Social Growth Media
Instagram Marketing
3 min readFeb 7, 2019

Instagram, considered to be a disruptive social networking platform, has taken power and literary, into the hands of influencers and celebrities. The interesting part is that these types of people are minting money from the photo-sharing app in the name of being promoters of brand awareness.

Turn Instagram Account Into Money Making Source To Your Business

You Can Share In This Marketing Wave

The beauty of all this is that you too can share in the money minting business by considering Instagram for your social media management. This article is here to show you just how you can do that by giving you helpful social media advice on how you can seriously, yes; I mean seriously make money on Instagram.

Did I mention that the advice goes for both your business and personal brand on Instagram? Well, now you know.

How To Monetise Your Instagram Account

We may not be a member of the Kardashian clan, but what we can say is that the growth in the number of daily active users on Instagram accounts show you were people’s attention is. Where there are users, especially engaged users there are customers for your business.

As such, in the quest to turn your Instagram account into a money-making machine, the following social media advice is imperative:

Make Your Content Engaging

We all know that Instagram is all about content sharing and it is this fact that keeps Instagrammers glued to the site on any given day and Statista can confirm this for us. If you take your photos, consider the prowess that comes with using a smart phone especially when looking at the extent of immaculateness that is enshrined in image capturing and processing. If you have someone else taking your photos, then hire the best photographers to capture mouth-watering natural and authentic images that will keep followers wanting to see more from your account. But before you do any of this ensure you have built content pillars for your Instagram account so you can work towards a common goal.

Other Apps That Come In Handy Too

Having captured just the right images, the next step is to go further and make a statement, and there is no better way to do this than to use the right caption. It is here that other mobile apps come in handy, with the example of SwiftKey (a predictive app). This app will allow you to insert captions quickly and with ease, which will save you tons of time. Such an app is essential for account users who post a lot in a 24 hour period and for those who have multiple Instagram accounts.

Originality When It Concerns Content

Aside from the above, be sure to maintain originality. This goes for the content and images that are posted as well as natural gifts and individual stories. People love authenticity and so it’s good to keep this in mind at all times.

Instagram Should Be The Centre Of Your Marketing Focus Especially For Social Media Marketing

Notably, Instagram should be the go-to place for your social media marketing, and you should understand the importance of driving traffic to your Instagram Business profile. To be successful at this, you must be good at engaging, enlightening and encouraging your audience. Before you know it, you will have created an Instagram community, attracted to the authenticity that you or your brand represents.

Be Professional

This should come naturally for anyone concerned with marketing pursuits. Professionalism and discipline come in handy when building a reliable and reputable brand. This is especially true when you are called upon to engage in partnerships.

A PayPal Account is Key

Finally, with your pay day only being a few posts away, it’s essential to have a PayPal account ready to get the money coming.

Let me close by saying choosing to take Instagram seriously for your social media management quests is worth it especially when looking at Instagram marketing which is the way to go for both personal and business brands. You can monetize your account today. The question is, are you ready to join the Instagram money making club? If yes, welcome aboard — we can’t wait to hear from you.

Originally published at Social Growth Media.



Social Growth Media
Instagram Marketing

Social Growth Media is an Australian based company which provides Instagram Management and SEO Services to businesses based in the US and Australia.