10 Best Marketing Resources Every Business Should Be Following

Clara Alex
Combin Blog
Published in
6 min readNov 1, 2019

Digital marketing is a fast-paced sphere, so it’s vital to keep on learning and have an eye on the current trends. Happily, there are thousands of useful marketing resources on the Internet; the main challenge is to find the best ones. The Combin team has done it for you and picked respected and trustworthy resources that can power up your expertise.

Marketing resources can have different content forms: from simple blogs to entire live conferences and panels.

Here are some of the types you can dig into to find something valuable:

  • Blogs. The most common variety of content sources and, probably, the most beloved. News and tips on blogs are published quicker than any other form of a source.
  • Podcasts. Very popular format nowadays due to its convenience and ability to learn on the go.
  • Webinars. Educating live streams are always full of tips and engagement since viewers can ask any question and get knowledge right away.
  • Infographics. Everyone is keen on infographics now, and no wonder why: easily-presented information is a quick and useful way to learn something new.
  • Books. An ideal form to cover a specific subject in detail.
  • Groups on social media. A nice and valuable way of exchanging your experience with colleagues.
  • Live conferences. An option for those who love to get insights firsthand and get to know with niche influencers.

Now, let’s cover some of the resources you will surely find beneficial for your marketing.

#1. Neil Patel’s Blog

Neil Patel, who’s a leading online marketer, contributed to the industry with his top-notch blog dedicated to SEO.

On his blog, Neil shares his unique expertise and tips on how to get top-tanked on Google, educates to develop a link building strategy, recommends SEO tools to use, gives tips on growing social media channels, reveals search engine algorithms’ work, shares tricks on creating highly-converting landing pages and other valuable content.

Neil’s blog is not limited to articles only; along the formats are podcasts and videos.

If SEO is your biggest struggle, don’t hesitate to visit the blog.

#2. Google Ads Blog

Yes, that simple. Guessing, there are not many people who read Google Ads Blog on a regular basis, but it’s full of valuable content about Google Analytics and clearly explained guides on growing your business with ads.

Blog posts also recommend useful tools to master the ads, tips and tricks to work with YouTube and Google services like Shopping, how-to articles and news dedicated to Google ads.

This blog is a perfect source of getting advice and recommendations dedicated to the digital right from such a giant like Google.

#3. Search Engine Watch

Founded in 1996, Search Engine Watch tracked the development of digital marketing right from the start.

The blog is a proper wealth of value with a focus on SEO and PPC. SEO hacks, link building, algorithm hacks and recent updates, SEO tips for small businesses, social media SEO, news of the industry and key players, Google Analytics hacks, social media marketing, content marketing, video optimisation are just a few topics covered in the blog!

Apart from tons of value found in articles, you can make the most out of SEW’s masterclasses and whitepapers they’re offering.

#4. Search Engine Journal

Another respected and expert blog dedicated to SEO, PPC, social channels, content, and industry news.

Among the articles, you’ll find the latest trends in digital advertising, guides to a proper SEO strategy development, growth hacks of every social media, and many more. Ebooks with the full coverage of digital marketing issues are also what SEJ is providing.

#5. Instagram Growth Podcast by Combin

Earlier this year, Combin launched its first-ever podcasts dedicated to online marketing with its special focus on Instagram. Our host Ann, who every one of you knows rather well, shares unique experience on how to skyrocket your Instagram for business, increase traffic and sales, use secrets of the world-leading brands, and learn the latest news about Instagram.

We’ve already spoken about mass commenting, micro-influencers, and it’s only beginning! You can listen to Instagram Growth Podcasts on PlayerFM, Listennotes, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and SoundCloud.

Aside from podcasts, our team doesn’t cease to work on the useful Instagram marketing webinars, which are always full of tips, analytics, and insights you can leverage in your marketing strategies.

#6. Social Media Today

This blog has already proven its expertise in terms of social media marketing. Indeed, Social Media Today is a proper resource with news, studies, analytics, and insights of the socials.

Except for social media marketing, editors of the blog thoroughly work on content marketing articles and digital hacks.

#7. Unbounce Blog

We’ve mentioned sources with great content dedicated to social media, SEO, and PPC, but now it’s the turn of the blog focused on landing pages and everything bound to them. The blog belongs to the company developing solutions for building converting landing pages — Unbounce.

The blog is called “The Landing Page and Conversion Optimization Blog”, so it’s clear what it’s about. Editors always share effective strategies of landing page building, business-specific landing pages hacks, optimisation, design, conversion boost tips, and case studies.

This resource will be a great aid to web-designers, SEO specialists, and digital marketers.

#8. Social Media Groups

Blogs, books and podcasts are surely valuable, but groups on social media which are dedicated to marketing can also be your source of insights, expertise and inspiration.

Reddit, Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn are those socials you need to turn your head to if you want to seek for the advice of your colleagues or read the most useful articles shared within the community. Reddit communities like Instagram Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Entrepreneur, or Marketing are just to name a few.

Quora has loads of Spaces (communities) dedicated to business, entrepreneurship, and marketing such as Marketing & Content, Startup Marketing+Growth, Growth Hackers, or Digital Marketing News and Trends are a small part of what you can find. Some of the Spaces allow you to share your content, so it’s an additional way to promote your business.

#9. Infographics

Basically, it’s not a separate type of resource but a content type, but we decided to give it a focus.

Infographics are a concise way of visually conveyed information, which is rather convenient and ample. Almost every blog now has materials with infographics, but the platform where you can find it with no limit is Pinterest, of course.

Pinterest: Leanne Wong

Infographics are not complicated to master. Those of you who struggle to create infographics can read a wholesome guide dedicated to it.

#10. Live Events

Visiting conferences, panels and expos dedicated to marketing or your business sphere is essential for building network and expertise.

At live events, key industry leaders discuss the trends, upcoming avenues, and development strategies, so it’s a must to attend such events at least once a year. Happily, there are now plenty of thematical activities, here are some marketing events: B2B Marketing Exchange, Social Media Week, DMEXCO, Content Marketing World, Hawkefest, and others.

Learning is a lifelong process. To make the most out of your occupation, subscribe to these and other exciting resources, keep an eye on the latest trends and work out marketing tips in practice.

To watch all our updates and get new Instagram marketing tips, follow us on Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Youtube.



Clara Alex
Combin Blog

Managing Editor at Kill the DJ. Content strategist in audio tech companies. Write about music, AI in audio, podcasting, and all things audio.