The News and Information Study Group International Holiday Special Agenda

Ben Pardo
Published in
4 min readDec 20, 2017
Presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping toasting.

Our main focus is this section:

In February 2012, President Xi Jinping [习近平] formally enshrined China’s search for coequal status with the United States in a call for a “new type of great power relations.” Beijing saw this as a way to get Washington to work with it to define rules for a Sino-American relationship based on recognition of interdependence, mutual deference to each other’s interests, and the setting aside of disagreements to facilitate a search for common ground on global and regional issues. The American policy establishment viewed the concept as an alarming Chinese attempt to undermine — if not overthrow — U.S. primacy in the Asia-Pacific.

China sought “face.” The United States judged it would be demeaning to provide it and declined to explore doing so. In the ensuing dialogue of the deaf, whatever opportunity the Chinese proposal might have offered to define principles for long-term cooperation between the United States and China was lost. Diplomatic paralysis set in. The two sides made no effort to find a formula for peaceful coexistence. Instead, they stepped up their strategic rivalry, which found expression in escalating military confrontation in and over China’s near seas.

Reimagining China and Asia by Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr.

Most of the Americans I meet have never heard about this, but are relieved to know that China sought to create a more interdependent, cooperative and successful relationship. Yet there is no single, official document on this. This has lead us to ask:

What is the meaning of President Xi Jinping’s “new type of great power relations?”

Is it “an alarming Chinese attempt to undermine — if not overthrow — U.S. primacy in the Asia-Pacific” or rather a step to greater collaboration going forward into the longterm? There is a great deal of research about this and we want to give it its fair due and are taking a second week to properly research this for our International Holiday Special.

Holiday Greetings

Wishing fellow earthlings a good Holiday Season is quite difficult these days. We would like everyone to feel that we all want each other to feel safe warm and comfortable, but we also don’t want to seem like we are choosing favorites. This is why we are taking suggestions for seasonal greetings from cultures all around the world. We are not stoping there.

Our plan is to take all of these greetings and write a computer program to randomly shuffle them. We may then utter them on the air in the random order this way so that nobody is prioritized above anyone else.

Our Research

Here is what we have found so far. If there is anything more that you find on this topic that you believe may be valuable to us, feel free to email us at


American Cynicism:

Episode Agenda:

  1. Free “What really matters to You?” pins.
  2. Research Fellow Positions Available.
  3. What is a New Kind of Great Power Relations?
  4. Holiday Greetings to as many cultures as we know how to greet.



Ben Pardo

Teacher, computer programmer, writer, performance artist, MicroDemonstrator: