Introducing Instamojo as a Platform

Sampad Swain
Instamojo Matters
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2016

Do Big Business with our 100,000+ Small Businesses

Running a small business in India is not easy. Behind every success there are tales of frustration, struggle and eventual victory over complex government regulations, ambiguous compliances, slow consumer traction, difficult labour markets, problems with getting paid and so on.

At Instamojo, knowing this all too well makes us endeavour each day to make the process of collecting online & mobile payments, for even a non-technical person, as easy and fast as operating an email account or writing a blog post.

Each time someone from our growing base of over 100,000 sellers and merchants hollers how easy we made payments for them, we also get a glimpse of the underlying pain that we have successfully mitigated.

So nearly two years ago, we began a small internal experiment based on the question:

What other problems can we solve for small business owners that uses Instamojo?

Our answer was the “Instamojo App Store”, into which we launched half a dozen plug-and-play services — some paid and others free — such as an affiliate marketing management system, SMS alerts and other nifty automations that helped a business do one or more of Saving Time, Saving Money or Selling More. Since then, these apps have demonstrated a steady growth in the number of new and retained users.

But a lot more remains to be done in the areas of logistics, accounting, back-office automations, payroll, credit, compliances, tax filing and more. And we cannot do it all alone. Thankfully, the ecosystem of companies and startups that solve these services smartly, often using technology, is growing.

We are happy to announce that we are now open for partnering with third-party service providers, startups and professionals to unlock and share this value.

Some of these apps-in-partnership are already live on the App Store, where partners such as,,, and are offering their services at discounted prices. We would like to invite your company or startup to join us in our beta program too.

How can you partner with us and offer your services to our growing base of over 100,000 small businesses who use Instamojo? Here are some ways:

– List your service or product for an attractive price or bonus offerings
– Enhance an existing Instamojo feature by finding synergies with your product
– Use our credit billing system to charge subscriptions for your platform
– Access seller & merchant data for assessing business risk and offer services
– Access our APIs and build tightly integrated services that work seamlessly within Instamojo
– Any other approach that comes to your mind — we are listening!

We are happy to start the partnership lo-fi and integrate more tightly over time. We are also happy to offer our App Store API (currently in beta) and do a tighter integration right away.

Please write to, we are eager to connect with you.

