Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Education Is On The Rise

Kathryn Kuchefski
Instant Sponsor
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2018

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is the future, and the prestigious New York University agrees. The university is the first to offer a major in crypto, in the United States. Stanford and MIT were the first institutions to offer classes centered around crypto and blockchain technology.

NYU believes it is essential to give students the opportunity to become well-versed in the new and expanding technology.

“We hope to establish a groundwork” said adjunct professor Andrew Hinkes in an interview with CBS New York, “so that the students can understand what’s really happening under the hood, so that they can understand both the legal and the business implications, and prepare them to go out and tackle this new market.”

One advantage Millenials and Gen Z students have over past generations is their ability to quickly adapt to technological advances. Many of these college and high school level students see the potential and growing popularity around blockchain, further fueling their desire to obtain knowledge of these innovative concepts.

The University of Georgia announced on September 11, the launch of a state-wide Georgia FinTech Academy. The mission is to make the fintech (financial technology) education available to all. The academy will offer two in-person locations along with online courses. This program presents a massive step forward in growing the U.S.’s efforts to gain an understanding of the decentralized ledger technology. It won’t be long before Fintech programs become a normality. In fact, it should become a necessity for students to become proficient in the basics of growing technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts.

“The industry around blockchain and distributed ledger is in its infancy,” said Jim Senn, the founding director of the Georgia FinTech Academy, in an interview with CNN. “In many ways it feels like the very early days of the Internet, prior to the introduction of the world wide web. The technology community is only now beginning to develop the tools and practices to make blockchain a viable technology for business and government.”

Colleges and universities are not the only ones looking to adapt quickly to these technological changes.

The future of sports — and sports sponsorships — will profoundly improve by the use of both blockchain and crypto. Blockchain technology will not only allow for increased brand exposure through various social mediums but also provide multiple channels for player and fan engagement and interaction. Players and coaches can also use the technology to track an athletes performance and discourage the use of doping through blockchain protection.

In fact, Instant Sponsor plans to disrupt the entire sports sponsorship ecosystem with blockchain technology by breaking down the typical, elongated sponsorship acquisition process down a task that can be accomplished with just a few clicks.

The young individuals of the U.S. have spoken and see the wave of the future to be cryptocurrency and blockchain. They crave the knowledge to be at the forefront of this new and developing technology. They strive to not only be the best but understand the best financial strategies available.



Kathryn Kuchefski
Instant Sponsor

Director of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships at Instant Sponsor Inc and Marketing Advisor & Content Creator at Success Series