The top 3 Reasons Why I Joined Instant Sponsor as an Ambassador

Diego Berchtold
Instant Sponsor
Published in
7 min readOct 2, 2018

It’s official, I will become an ambassador for Anthony Puntoriero’s blockchain project, Instant Sponsor! In my role I will assist in a few different areas including business development and marketing operations within the crypto and blockchain community.

I’m very happy about this engagement because I can truly see both sites of their vision. Firstly, from the point of view of a professional sportsman and rights holder with experiences in the sponsorship business. Sponsorship acquisition is truly a complex process with many third parties involved, making it difficult to seamlessly connect between sponsors and rights holders — and that’s exactly the problem the Instant Sponsor platform can solve!

Secondly, I am fascinated by the technological aspect of the project and its regard to a blockchain solution and peer-2-peer sponsorship platform. I see far too many projects that do not need blockchain technology to run their business idea, yet they tokenize their funding with a ‘non-utility’ utility token (little crypto guy joke) to just raise money through an ICO. In the past I have rejected many positions as an “ICO Advisor”. And here’s why: 90% of those projects neither needed a cryptocurrency ecosystem, nor added a true value by building their project on a blockchain. Furthermore, I want to distance myself from this ‘difficult-to-define’ and much criticized role. An inspirational friend of mine — Cyrus Fazel — once coined the term ICO Advisors as a #happymealcertificate on LinkedIn:

As you can see from my comment below his post I did fully agree with that. Because anybody can call him or herself an expert in blockchain or cryptocurrencies — let alone an ICO Advisor.

So why did I accept Instant Sponsors proposition? And why did I strictly wanted to out roll it as Ambassador of their ICO and not as advisor? Here are my top three reasons why I joined Instant Sponsor’s team!

1) Instant Sponsor’s blockchain solution makes sense to me and adds value. Believe me that’s not the norm in today’s unregulated crypto scene. 90% of coins and tokens out there do not have any added value nor do they have a utility within their network. Very sad but true — their ‘rubbish’ coins and tokens put blockchain and cryptocurrencies in a bad light. Instant Sponsor is a rare exception in my eyes.

So, after several weeks of research and some good exchanges with their team, I built my opinion that their platform can truly add value to both sponsors and rights holders. By using blockchain technology, Instant Sponsor will simplify and automate the sponsorship acquisition process. There’s a lot of time and money that could be saved from both sides by using the platform:

If you ask a Founder of a ‘rubbish’ ICO project what the utility of the token will be, they usually answer with “Well we will find that out after the ICO” or “It will be used as P2P payment method between our community”. Responses like this can guarantee you that their token offering is absolute nonsense. At Instant Sponsor it was quite different. Mike Murphy, Head of communication at Instant Sponsor explained me how they want to create a consumer centric ecosystem on their sponsorship platform by using their SPON Token and — for the first time since SwissBorg’s CHSB Token — it made perfect sense in my eyes! I read every detail of their whitepaper and found it is full of insightful content and thoroughly explains how they plan to solve a broken sponsorship ecosystem. This blockchain application should be the perfect solution to a traditionally costly and exhausting process.

Everything I describe can be found on their Whitepaper online by using this link:

And a simplified pitch deck over here:

This will be a user-friendly platform where rights holders can connect, communicate and agree on deals with potential sponsors as mapped out by this graphic:

2) They have an existing product/service and a prototype of their platform: Instant Sponsor previously operated as an independent agency since 2014. Their team is knowledgeable with the ins-and-outs of the sponsorship business and already works with an existing network of well-known brands, clubs and leagues:

At this point, Instant Sponsor’s focus is bringing new partners to the platform instead of starting from scratch. This makes a huge difference and should not be forgotten! Also in terms of business development it’s much easier to find new partners if there’s already an existing business network with brands like Mercedes-Benz, Media channels like Sky, clubs like the Carolina Hurricanes and events like Wimbledon’s tennis championship or the European golf tour.

The part that made me very excited was the fact that the platform itself is already designed, available online, and accessible for everyone to use in an interactive demo version. This gives potential partners, investors and users an in-depth overview on how the Instant Sponsor platform will look and how they will utilize the blockchain-powered platform along with the SPON token. Many ICO projects have the following problem: Their idea is good; the whitepaper goes in-depth and is very detailed but potential investors lose themselves within those waves of information. It’s hard to trust a project on paper alone, people want to see how a platform should work. Having just a whitepaper does not do the investor justice if there isn’t a tangible example of the product. You can check it out yourself via this link:

3) I can stand 100% behind the philosophy and idea of the Instant Sponsor project and believe that I could add value with my background in this industry, along with some hard work and dedication. I’m still at the very beginning of my professional career so saying no to any possible proposal wasn’t that easy for me when I was first starting off. Nowadays I think that I can better separate between interesting offers and “scammy” tries to on-board young entrepreneurs without much business experience — I’m only 22 years old and have only been actively involved for 2 years in the blockchain-business world, but it was a crazy time as you can imagine. Even though I am a young sportsman, I knew an offer to work with Instant Sponsor was something I could not pass up, regardless of my experience. As I mentioned earlier, it is pretty cool for me because I know both aspects of their business. I’m one of a few who is engaged in profesional sports and the blockchain space on an institutional level.

On the sport side, I can connect all involved parties from sponsorship processes to the platform and build up an international network for Instant Sponsor as their team is based in the USA. In fact, this will be the biggest task for their project. I’m sure that it will be a lot of fun to present this new possibility to my sports network and show them how they could benefit from this blockchain solution. I always saw it as my mission to help blockchain and cryptocurrencies and this will be a step forward as I move in this direction with Instant Sponsor’s team.

From a blockchain point of view, the first and most important activities will be within the marketing sector. Instant Sponsor is in the private pre-sale of the SPON Token and the public sale dates will be November 1–30. I hope to find some B2B partners, interested parties and early investors. So, if you — and your company — sees yourself in this group don’t hesitate to add me on LinkedIn and send me a small message with your invitation! You find my profile via this link:

As soon as the public sale of the token will be set and coming to its kick off, I will switch more into the true role of an ambassador: Holding MeetUps about Instant Sponsor, talking to my community on- and offline and discussing the project within my professional network will become my main focus to spread the word of Instant Sponsor’s vision to the world.

The agreement and legal framework of it is based on an institutional cooperation between my B2B Consulting company (Crypto Currency Consulting Ltd. registered in Switzerland) and Instant Sponsor’s ltd. But in practice I will put my face, name and personal brand on it because it definitely makes more sense in this case.

I’m looking forward to become a part of a hopefully very successful story! It will be a lot of fun to work with this dynamic and experienced team on the future of digital sponsorships. Thanks for your trust and the chance you give me to play an important role within this amazing project!

If all of that sounds interesting for you and you would exchange some business possibilities don’t hesitate to contact me. I got some great opportunities to share regarding this project, pre- and post ICO! So don’t be shy and let me know where we could have some synergies.

Thanks for reading, cheers Diego



Diego Berchtold
Instant Sponsor

Passionate pro football player for Lausanne-Sports, fascinated by the possibilities and philosophy of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. ⚽⛓️🤖♥️