Strength in Numbers

Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2016

A different sort of call to arms

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

- Winston Churchill

It’s been a week since the election upset of the century. A week since the numbness and painful disbelief of slightly more than half the country turned into anger, defiance, and for Democrats, most millennials, and other liberals, the call to arms. In that week, many heartfelt and motivational articles arose and went viral, rallying anyone with a heavy heart last Wednesday morning to action. But how many of those utilized the words of (another) real estate mogul as their launching pad?

Grant Cardone is no Donald Trump, despite his own real estate fortune. He has dedicated his lucrative career to helping people, whether through motivational speaking or his best-selling books that echo his enthusiasm for entrepreneurship. The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure is his 2011 guide to excelling not only in the business world but in the world at large. The title is itself the principle concept of the book. The 10X Rule is the key to achieving great things, but it is by no means a shortcut to success. It is, in fact, quite the opposite, driving you to your limits as you aim higher and work harder. And we thought it would be interesting to apply it to the new anti-Trump movement.

The equation is simple. First, you take one of your goals and multiply it by a factor of 10. So, for example, if someone like Michael Moore has the goal of resisting a Trump presidency as much as possible, multiplying it by 10 could raise the goal to getting Trump kicked out of office within the first six months. The next step for Moore would be to multiply the efforts he would have exerted for the initial goal by 10, thus pushing himself 10 times as hard as he would have (instead of merely signing petitions for example, also donating to organizations, attending rallies, organizing events, AND volunteering when and where needed). This equation is what Cardone sees as the key to actual success, which for him is a sustained achievement throughout life. Any roadblocks that might appear are the results of your own inaction, as opposed to the actions of others, and accepting this truth is another essential factor of the 10X Rule.

As Cardone says, this rule should be applied not just to business but to life. So now, as a large portion of the nation prepares to fight back against the perceived threat of a president unlike any we’ve had before, channeling the advice of Cardone and using his 10X Rule will be very helpful. As the aforementioned example showed, the goals of people like Michael Moore must be set to lofty levels, and herculean efforts must be made so that the much smaller, though no less important goals can be met with relative ease. Most importantly, the roadblocks caused by inaction and blaming others must be avoided at all costs, because complacency is to success what Kryptonite is to Superman. They just cannot coexist.

Some say that the next president used Cardone’s 10X rule to get into the Oval Office. Now it could be used against him. If he got to where he is now, then nearly anything would appear to be possible.

Food for thought, Instareaders.

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