All You Need to Know About Instagram New Feature - IGTV!

Yasser Eidrous
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2018
image source — Instagram Press

A few years back, Snapchat was the buzzword among millions of users across the globe. However, that’s just a matter of past and is far different from today’s scenario. Instagram has progressed by leaps and bounds, since its initial days. It commenced merely as a social networking site allowing people to share personal moments in the form of images. Gradually, it kept astonishing the world by introducing enormous features such as sending instant messages, video, and sharing stories for millions of users. Not to end, recently, Instagram has introduced a whole new concept for videos to stretch out the limits for users who couldn’t share longer videos on this platform. Want to know what it is? Well, previously, Instagram astonished billions of Android and iOS users with a new feature called IGTV Instagram. Let’s help you know a bit of it.

image source — Instagram Press


Instagram, a social networking service has introduced Instagram standalone application called as IGTV that is nothing but a medium created for Instagram users to watch full-screen and long duration IGTV vertical videos created by Instagram account creators. Viewers will be able to experience the whole video streaming feature on the go.

IGTV App-Download, Install and Share!

Getting started with this amazing feature is very easy. Go to Google Play Store for Android phone or Apple App Store for iOS users, download Instagram IGTV app and install it on your phone. Once it’s done, open the IGTV app and you are good to go. Just use your Instagram account login credentials, and all is done. Start using this amazing feature seamlessly.

IGTV Vs YouTube

At present, YouTube being the king of displaying long content videos has billions of users. Many have even leveraged this path to bring growth to their business by marketing their product and services. However, since IGTV Instagram has come into existence, it has flagged off the antagonism with YouTube and is likely to occupy YouTube market in the near future. It’s different in a way that you can shoot a vertical video on your phone, upload it on IGTV and share it with your peers. The feature has eradicated the need for costly equipment to make videos.

image source — Instagram Press

IGTV and Instagram Stories

The idea of introducing Instagram IGTV was for those who were disappointed with a limit to upload short videos, as they couldn’t display the entire content to other users. However, with IGTV, it would be possible for Insta users to make long vertical videos and convey their message through it. It’s not that Instagram stories are no longer useful, of course, it is, but only beneficial for those who need to make 10–15 seconds video.

IGTV Monetization

At present, unlike YouTube, IGTV doesn’t include any Ads but is expected to arrive in the near future. The company is waiting to receive good response from users and once it achieves the desired response, you can expect ads to be part of this platform which would further allow you to make some money from IGTV Monetization.

Channel with IGTV

Yes, with IGTV, you can easily create your channel. To do so, you need to go to profile, tap on it, and select the option “create my channel.” Once you have created, you can name your channel. Enjoy long videos or turn your business into a profitable one by creating your own IGTV Channel.

The Gist

Initially, for marketers, it would be a tough call to choose between YouTube and Instagram IGTV, but that’s how technology is progressing. A lot of content creators are already busy uploading their old contents on this platform in order to build their presence and grab some good engagement from it. Are you too willing to bring some great online presence to your business? Well, if yes, then we have got your back! Why not seek help and rely on Instagram experts-Instarget? Want to know more?

Turn Unattainable Business Solution to a Lucrative One!

Instarget is one name that you can trust upon for your Instagram marketing needs. It is one platform that has helped an enormous number of users across the world in creating marketing presence for their business. From services like scheduling Instagram posts, bringing target followers, direct messages, Follows and Unfollows to automating comments, everything will be available to you on the go. And of course, our experts will completely assist you about Instagram IGTV feature. So, Click Here to learn more about!

