In Which I Try to Apply MBA Curriculum to Childcare

Rachael Bao
4 min readFeb 24, 2024


It’s going mediocrely

Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

Hello friends, supporters and support-curious,

We may be approaching the singularity. The child hasn’t reached the functional neck stage, and yet has figured out how to un-velcro diaper tabs. It’s only the baby mittens and more complicated shirt closures holding back a full nudist revolution.

I can be supported on Ko-fi, (and patreon) but Ko-fi allows for one-time gifts. There isn’t any exclusive content up there that would justify membership, and likely won’t be until April.

Baby News

I’m maybe better at the time-management and multi-tasking needed to try and get writing done while attending to the need of the child to be fed changed. This is one of those babies — maybe all babies — who tends to fall asleep about one minute into each feeding and then wake up and cry when put in a crib. Or maybe I got worse at time management. Nothing makes sense.

Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

School News

I started up another semester at M.B.A. school. This involves taking a very nice light-rail that was free all month due to what may be a brilliant sponsorship, by the giant duck. I don’t think it actually is a marketing or business strategy, but I’m in biz school so I can’t accept such information like a non-biz person anymore. Too bad. The light rail was free all this past month, and the route goes all around the bay where the giant ducks are. Reasonably, tons and tons of people went to see the giant duck and bought at least one of the little clip-on springy ducks. They look cute on bucket hats and some people had three clipped on when they got on the light rail.

My brother-in-law has explained that the duck merch isn’t all official. I don’t think the artist (Florentijn Hofman) just wanted to sell a bunch of little duck accessories, but the strategy would work if someone did.

In a floundering effort to be more financially responsible, I’ve been cancelling every subscription to everything, including Curiosity Stream. I’m now binging all of the Complexly Crash Course videos about statistics before my subscription period ends. If I don’t beat the clock, I have to watch them on YouTube with ads.

While taking a break, I discovered good ol’ Fiq the signifier did a little statistical analysis of his own. Maybe great minds are thinking alike, or…just being academic.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

It’s wild how Fiq got 2000 respondents to his survey. Next week I might try putting out a survey and see how much I can disappoint myself. I will also try, every week, in every class, to try and make connections between fancy biznezz zchool talk and parenting. The angry idea behind it is that childcare is an essential kind of labor. Without it, every single new human would die, and humanity would cease to exist. Simultaneously, it is assigned low value, no value or even negative value. On the other hand, the normal reason to go to management school is to become someone of high value who gets paid plenty of money to tell other people what to do. I thought it would be both funny and poignant to constantly juxtapose the two. Maybe I will fail, but I intend to entertain myself and others in the process and I’m going down swinging.

What’s going in the paywall feed?

The survey isn’t. That’s going to flop around in public for all to mock. The efforts to simulate stocks is going behind the wall, though. That’s going to be so embarrassing. Also, drafts of my script in which I try to articulate the parenting aspects of The Shining, ‘Salem’s Lot and Pet Sematary. Most importantly, pictures of the baby. Rather than a paywall, that’s an only-people-I-know wall. :)

For real, will be the outlines of the fiction books, the devlog of the game and rewrites of the memoir and the memoir workbook. If we’re all lucky, one of those things will be posted on next Wednesday.



Rachael Bao

With 2 A’s. She/her. Oft autocorrected, but great SEO! Married for spellability, remarried for Pizza. I miss sewing with Dad and watching Star Trek with Mom.