LA SILLA LLENA: “How to increase the focus on results for the public sector ?” (Spanish only)

Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2020


¿Cómo incrementar el foco en resultados del sector público?

This week it came out a new article written by our Associate Partner, Siegrid Holler and Jorge Ramón, Associate of Instiglio, in La Silla Llena, an informed discussion platform for La Silla Vacía. In “How to increase the focus on results for the public sector ?” they appraise the importance of making good use of public resources and why we should consider the outcome-based approaches to increase the impact of social projects.

“The effectiveness of public spending may seem like an issue that concerns only economists and public policy makers. However, it affects so much the life of all citizens that understanding it and advocating for the enforcement of mechanisms to improve it should be part of a higher priority and informed conversation where everyone can take part.”

Read the full article here (Spanish only)




We tie funding to results, ensuring every $ spent on social services has the greatest possible impact. — Bogotá, Lima, Nairobi, Rabat, Washington D.C.