15 Foods That Affect A Man’s Health

InStitchu’s Style Guide
4 min readAug 8, 2016

Not looking or feeling your best? Feeling a little flabby, unenergetic, or maybe even a little moody? Perhaps your diet is in a need of a revamp.

With all the information out there, it can be hard to determine what you actually should be eating. Different fads seem to contradict each other, products claim to feature the latest superfood, and foods your mother told you were good for you are now on the naughty list.

It’s time to make things simple.

We’ve listed a bunch of foods that’ll do you good, plus some you should try to avoid.

Get these in your diet…

1. Coffee

Let’s start with some good news: your morning coffee can stay. Coffee has numerous health benefits, including helping to reduce the risk of diabetes, and minimise the risk of bowel cancer. Remember though, like most things, coffee should be consumed in moderation — so as not to keep you awake at night or overstress your system.

2. Eggs

Working out? Two large eggs worth of amino acids before and after exercise will help maximise your muscle growth.

3. Capsicum

Capsicum is a great option as an alternative to sugary fruits. It’s high in vitamin C, goes well in just about any dish, and is great to munch on as a snack.

4. Berries

If you’re choosing a fruit to eat, berries are your best bet. The reason they tend to be tart is that they contain a lower sugar count than other fruits, and are absolutely loaded with vitamin C, selenium and fibre. Cranberries can also help maintain a man’s prostate health.

5. Chilli

Everyone loves chilli, so it’s great news that it’s very good for you, and you should eat plenty of it. Chilli is a good source of fibre, protein, and slow-release carbohydrates. Just remember to check the labels of any hot sauces and salsas you buy — sometimes all those extra ingredients can be bad for you.

6. Nuts

Nuts are very low in sugar and saturated fats, and so are a great addition to anyone’s diet. They make for a really good snack, but do keep in mind that they tend to be high in calories. It’s a good idea to work out the right portion size for you before you get stuck in.

7. Salmon

Of all the fish in all of the sea, salmon is by far the best for men to consume. Full of omega-3 fats, salmon helps strengthen and maintain a man’s heart. Additionally, omega-3 fats act as an anti-inflammatory on the heart, helping to minimise chest pains. It’s a pretty versatile fish, and you’ll be able to find breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes including this fabulous food. Ideally, try to eat salmon twice a week.

8. Chicken

Chicken is the healthiest meat to eat, with as much as 27g of protein in each chicken breast. Though it’s the most delicious bit, the skin is decidedly less healthy, so try to limit your intake.

9. Beef

On the one hand, beef is filled with iron, zinc and protein. If you’re living an active life, you need these things. On the other, beef is also fatty. Finding a good, lean, grain-fed cut of beef is the best way to go… aside from those special occasions when you want to break out the wagyu brisket.

It’s best to avoid…

10. Juices

Juices are sometimes held up as a health wonderfood, providing concentrated shots of mineral and vitamins with every glass. Yes, there are nutritional benefits to drinking juice, but at the same time, juice should be consumed in moderation. It contains a great deal of sugar that gets converted to fat when drunk in excess quantities.

11. Margarine

Avoid, avoid, avoid! Butter is the healthier option, being a natural product. Most magarines are filled with trans-fatty acids, and will only serve to boost your cholesterol levels.

12. Cereals

If you’re going to eat cereal, go with the high fibre varieties. Bran and oatmeal-based cereals are both great, offering higher energy and better mood levels to people that eat them. Avoid kid’s cereals at all costs; the sugar content is just not worth it.

13. >Muffins

The morning muffin is an ever-persistent temptation to help you get through those 10am hunger pangs, but resist the temptation. Even those dressed-up hipster muffins with healthy sounding names (including words like “bran” and “fruit”) are filled with butter and sugar.

14. Chocolate

Chocolate can be absolutely filled with sugar. A rule of thumb is the lighter the colour of chocolate, the more sugar it has and the less healthy it is. But dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants, and so it’s healthy in moderation. There’s a lot of very good quality, very high cocoa, low sugar content chocolate on the market now, so if you want to treat yourself, look for one of those.

15. Beer

Beer and wines in moderation are unlikely to be damaging to your health. Just be aware that beer contains lots of carbs, and that leads to fat. Red wine’s is a slightly better option for your health.

