“Just About the Last Person to Trust With Additional Power Now Has a Lot More”

A Conversation Between ICAP’s Joshua Geltzer & Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick


With the coronavirus pandemic spreading and the Trump administration being urged to step up its response, ICAP’s Executive Director Joshua Geltzer talked with Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick about the 2020 election, executive authority, and civil liberties. Here’s an excerpt:

Even as many of us urge Trump to invoke authorities that can help us address a grave national emergency, I think we need more discussion — quickly — about how we constrain his reliance on those authorities. That can include articulating where we think the authorities’ boundaries are; time-limiting their use; and ensuring there’s oversight of their implementation, so they’re not abused.

Read the whole discussion here.



Joshua Geltzer
Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection

Executive Director and Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection